A day without meat...

…is like a day without sunshine.

I like eating meat. A lot.

I would say that over the past 32 odd years I have eaten meat at least once a day. Thinking back over the last month there has not been a day go by without me eating at least a bite of meat. I can eat meat three or more times a day, and often do. Bacon for breakfast, a pie for morning tea, a hamburger for lunch, some salami meat as a snack and a steak for dinner. My favourite meals, like a mixed grill, feature meats from several different animals.

I’m not mammalo-centric, either. There isn’t an example of the Animal Kingdom I wouldn’t like to see hacked to bits and placed on a bbq. Crustaceans, avians, molluscs, fish, hell, I’d eat a reptile if I could buy parts of them at the supermarket in a little plastic tray.

Some people go to the zoo to see the cute animals, and I can’t help thinking to myself, “I wonder how big a giraffe chop would be.” I’m proud to say I have eaten our nations offical animal, the kangaroo, and found him to be delicious. I know all that meat can’t be good for me, but I don’t want to go to the grave regretting that I never ate a sloth.

Meat. It’s Mother Natures candy.

As I tell my religious, vegetarian friends in jest (all five hundred of them), if god didn’t want us to eat animals, he wouldn’t have made them out of meat.

mmmmm… Steak…

Yeah, but sometimes, it’s just too hot for meat. Otherwise, yeah, meat rocks!


Now where’d that post go …


Willing to eat a goliath tarantula?

Sure - I’ve been to Thailand - check out them baby birds.

They say the spider tastes like crab, but I reckon it tastes like chicken.

:stares at iwakura

You’re made of meat. . . .

Cause veggies have never heard that one before.

:dubious: :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:


I always wondered what komodo dragon would taste like…

That’s why there’s COLD CUTS! Mmmm…cold cuts.

And beer. Don’t forget the beer.

This is why I don’t go to the beach anymore.

That’s also a lovely line from Flanders and Swann’s song *The Reluctant Cannibal:

Don’t eat people? What else is there to eat?
If the Ju-Ju had meant us not to eat people
He wouldn’t have made us of meat!*