A disturbing encounter near the burrito stand

So, I’m hanging out near the burrito stand in the local mall with a friend of mine, and a guy walks past. Well dressed dude, clean shaven, nice haircut. Very normal looking. Except for two things:

  1. He’s carrying a large, leather bound Bible. Nothing wrong with the Bible, per se, but it’s unusual reading material for hanging out at the mall. But, hey, so he’s very religious. Nothing in the world wrong with that. I wouldn’t have really noticed it at all if it weren’t for number 2.

  2. He’s talking to himself. And as he walks past me, I distinctly hear him say, “I’m just one man; what can I do?”

That’s a… disturbing question to ask somebody who doesn’t exsist, you know? “Deeply interested in religion” and “Hears voices” are kind of a dangerous combo. I can’t help but wonder if the answer he heard was, “First, buy a rifle…”

At any rate, might be a good idea to avoid clocktowers and book depositories in the Bay Area in the immediate future.

Just wondering, perhaps he was using one of those ear pieces you can connect to your mobile? Those things fool me all the time.

Possibly, but it’s a much more interesting story if he wasn’t.

Hopefully “First, buy a burrito” is as far as it went.

FWIW, hearing voices and deeply religious often go hand in hand.

Maybe he was just thinking out loud?

Why attach any sinister meanings to something that could be totally innocuous?

Would you have thought he was a dangerous wacko if he wasn’t carying that bible?

[George Carlin] How come these voices never say, " Go down to Wendys and take a shit in the salad bar!"? [George Carlin]

Hey, don’t be so jaded. Maybe God was talking to him.

[Lily Tomlin]Why is it that when we talk to God we’re praying but when God talks to us we’re schizophrenic?[/Lily Tomlin]