A drinking game, but not created by Monty

There’s a new poster, “new” in the sense of recently registerd. What the poster, Jiang, has to say is…well, let’s just say it was old a few years ago. This person seems to be reading from old copies of The People’s Daily someone found behind the pet store after cage cleaning time.

Sadly, this style of [ahem] prose is not new to these tired eyes. My beloved University of California-Davis has a newspaper with, alas, a columnist named John Green who evidences approximately the same amount of individual thought and effort as Jiang. Green’s tiresome repetition of his folderol {yes, I looked up the word} brought forth this response {scroll to the last letter}.

Now that I have the preliminaries out of the way, I would like to floor a motion that the SDMB modify that to Drinking to Jiang*. The first rule, of course, is that any gushing reference to the CPC requires one sip. As the proposer of this motion, and non-drinker {well, I do drink the 0.5% dealcoholed wine}, I shall be the sole referee and arbiter of how nonsensical, not the rules, but Jiang’s comments are.

*I got curious, so I went to Chinese Character Dictionary and looked up Jiang. The most fitting definition I could find, oddly enough, translates into English as “a stiff corpse.” There’s another good candidate, “stubborn, uncompromising.” I’d go with my first inclination, though, because Jiang sure is beating some kind of corpse (ma[sup]3[/sup]).

Mister Speaker, please let the games commence!

Missed one link:

The People’s Daily

That’s all fine and dandy, but where are the offences this new poster Jiang makes?

What I find odd is that Jiang doesn’t appear to debate anything - he merely starts a thread, puts forth his propaganda, then leaves. I guess we’re all supposed to just listen and learn. Which is great, cause this debating stuff is just exhausting…:wink:

But hey, any excuse to start a drinking game is fine with me.

Good point, Coldfire. Hope this works.

No it doesn’t. :slight_smile:

You have to link to individual threads or posts.

For some reason, I’m getting a strong whiff of “automatic complaint generator” from Jiang’s OPs. Must be the inflammatory style, lack of specifics, and broad generalizations, I guess.

No problem, Coldie!

Anti-Sodomy Laws are Tyranny!
China has not given up on Communism
Oppose Yankee Aggression!
Tibet is part of China

Alright, I closed the Anti-Sodomy one, as he had ripped it off another website. We’re discussing mr. Jiang’s posting privileges.

Don’t discuss his/her posting privileges until we’ve had a chance to get a few pints down Coldie. It’s just not fair if you ban him before we get the opportunity to get tanked and give him a SDMB flogging.

kambuckta (who is never one to let a good drinking game go to waste either).



And how do you know that Coldie et al aren’t discussing it over a couple of pints of pi[sup]2[/sup] jiu[sup]3[/sup]?

Well, at least I made kambuckta happy. My Friday night’s not a complete waste!

I hope Mr. Jiang at least receives a warning before he is shown the door. Depending on his country of origin, it is possible that he is posting under the burden of some rather harsh restrictions on his speech.

As it is, his failure to engage other posters in debate, and the knowledgable responses that he inspires (thanks Tamerlane, Monty et al) tends to undermine his arguments. Ah well, ignorance loses again.

His location appears to be in a rather large US state known for its oil. I know they’re conservative there, but I wouldn’t say his freedom of speech is being restricted.

Well, outside of this message board, which is clearly communist. :slight_smile:

It’s all very well for Coldie et al to be knocking back a few Coldies[sup]tm[/sup] whilst discussing the future of one of our newest members, but that doesn’t do US any good unless WE can join in the quaffing, does it?

And banning him would be just soooooo not fair, Not yet anyway, until we’ve had our revenge!!

Drinking game? I’m all for it!

Damn, Monty, good job. Someone stop this Jiang before every GD topic has One China! in the title. Upon further review, he’s a Chi**?Tex?**Com?! I never thought I’d see the day.

Thanks, Beagle. Actually, I’d already heard all of that fool’s garbage, but from the jerk John Green mentioned above. I don’t care if they’re communist, but for the love of whatever, make sense! Neither of them does.