A Fun New Creationist Argument

I’ll take a gross of that. How is it shipped? Does it keep well? How does one store it? And… most importantly: does it bruise easily?


Pineapple Pocopo was evil after all…

So you’re saying that God looks something like this?

What does it mean if, like me, you can’t stand the taste of a banana and can’t bear to be in the same room when someone is eating one because you find the smell nauseating?

You’re the Antichrist?

My gawd, the apocalyse is upon us!

Either that, or a banana is designed to fit with ease and comfort into a woman’s cooch.

Man, God gave us dildos? He’s even cooler than I thought! I’m definitely repenting.

Did He also give us inflatable sheep? I’d think twice about repenting if He did…

The one caveat being that you could easily break the sucker off in there (in which case it comes in handy to have done your Kegels). Cucumbers are much sturdier. :eek:

Careful there! It can handle some wear and tear but it’s been known to vote NDP!

I totally shocked an online conservative Christian friend last year by pointing out that if one rejects evolution, one is left to assume that God intended that cluster of nerves adjacent to the prostate gland and stimulable only by anal penetration. :wink:

I must beg to differ. I am a human being, and the only thing Satan has ever made me eat was Indian cuisine. (It was good, too, and he and Libby treated me and my wife to dinner.)

In view of the analogies made above, please start a thread in Great Debates entitled, “Is it immoral to be a bananaphobe?” :slight_smile:

Toldja!!! ::: polishes knuckles on shirt in egotistic gesture ::::

Do you refer to the Great and Terrible Stockwell Day of the Lord??

Slam-dunk!! :smiley:

Ah, yes, but anally penetrated only within the confines of a Wholesome, God-Fearing, Christian, Heterosexual Marriage.

Which is the real reason god gave us bananas:D .

No no no! Everyone knows that bananas were planted on Earth by extraterrestrials!

Bananas in Pajamas.

'Nuff said.

Remind me never to eat a salad at YOUR house!

Remind me to try to get invited to dinner over at auntie ems house.

{what can I say, I like that kind of kinky shit}

I’d call you fully rational and unlike most of the rest of the world, well adjusted.
Bananas are evil They smell nasty, they look nasty, they taste nasty, and the testure is nasty. If given the choice between eating a banana and dying painfully…It would take me a few minutes to decide.

And here I thought I was the only one who couldn’t stand bananas. The things are awful. But then I’m a Tattooed Bisexual Pagan, so I’m gonna be makin’ S’mores on the Lake of Fire anyways.

matt’s dick, on the other hand, I’ll take on my ice cream any day … extra whipped cream :wink:

Dragonblink, I’d not take matt’s dick for several reasons, A) I’m a heteromale, B) It would make the ice cream melt to fast, and Ice cream is to be savored slowly. Whipped cream is alright I guess, but not ice cream.