Anyone hear about a movie called “Punch-drunk Love”? It was supposedly a hit at Cannes Movie festival that stars Sandler. It was a P.T. Anderson movie (“Boogie Nights” and “Magnolia”). The only reason I read about the movie in the first place is because I’m a fan of a little known actress in it named Mary Lynn Rajskub.
I’m really not a Sandler fan, but I don’t rule him out for one to have some true potential. I saw clips, some great reviews, and liked Anderson’s previous works… so it may be a good movie. I know that there are a lot of people on these boards that HATE Sandler, but things seem to be looking up for him these days, (now that he’s Co Staring with Jack Nicholson in “Anger Management.”)
Any way some of you can look past the humor that’s not directed towards you, (but must bring some people joy), and see a movie with Sandler in it without making up your mind before you see it?
Another Q. Anyone know if it’s unlikely to find these types of movies, (Cannes movies), in a regulator theaters. Might I have to find an “art house” theater to see it?
Adam Sandler—WORST. ACTOR. EVER> It’s funny in a scary kind of way, be he himself admitted that he has only 2,TWO!!! "acting moves, not including his insanely annoying habit of changing his speaking voice every fifth syllable.
I think PTA is genetically incapable of making a less than great movie. Hard Eight and Boogie Nights were very good and I think Magnolia was a masterpiece.
I’m perfectly willing to give Sandler the benefit of the doubt on this one. I suspect PTA, of all people, will know how to utilize Sandler’s very limited abilities to the utmost.
Same people said the same thing about Jim Carrey, and then he did “The Truman Show”, which is my Fav Movie. I guess I rout for the underdog. The thing is, Sandler was never IN a movie that required much, or any acting skills. He only relied on his kind of comedy which IS successful. Many critics LOVED him in this role.
Like I said, I saw clips of the movie, I really think you guys should give the guy a chance. He seemed like he DIDN’T have limited ability.
I’ve heard big time movie critics say that they can see him doing more serious work, and think he’s crazy for taking roles that require all the same type of acting, (which some people DO like… not me, lol, but some). Ebert had spoken to him once, and dispite the bad things Ebert said in his reviews said Sandler was a nice man, and is smart enough to pull off different roles.
I don’t know why, but I LOVE it when actors, (usually in silly comedies that get more serious roles), surI don’t know why, but I LOVE it when actors, (usually in silly comedys that get more serious roles), suprise me. I love it happening for the one you would least expect it!prise me. I love it happening for the one you would least expect it! Maybe it started with “Truman Show”, I’m gunna give the dude a chance.
I had to type this fast, so I apologize for any mistakes
Some of what plays at Cannes never travels anywhere else, some of it winds up making the international art-house tour, and some of it lands in your local Godzillaplex. Given this film’s provenance, I’m betting on the last option, at least for a limited run.
I was going to come in and say, in response to the thread title, “Only if he ate it very carefully first.”
I, too, am very fond of P. T. Anderson’s work. Hard Eight, a.k.a. Sydney, is one of my favorite movies of all time. But I’m going to have to hear damn good – I’m talking Traffic good … Memento good – word of mouth before I can get over the Adam Sandler thing on this one.
Now then, what exactly did Carrey do in Truman Show?
Lets see…oh yeah, he overacted just like he has in every single role that he has ever done. Okay, so he didn’t do the “talking out of his ass bit” and he wasn’t running around shouting and making funny faces. No, this time, he went 180 degrees the other way and did the whole "quiet: overacting thing. he had that “Gosh I’m super awestruck” look on his face 3/4 of the time. Which occasionally switched to the “Gee, I’m really confused and suspicious about what’s going on around here” look on his face.
And that was it, for over 2 hours. Hell, I’ve seen Stallone emote better then carrey ever has or ever will.
I can’t comment on AS’s movies, except that I liked “Wedding Singer” a lot, and, yes, I liked the trailer to “Deeds” too.
I have nothing against stupid humor if it’s done right. “There’s Something About Mary” was hilarious, but anything on a double bill with “Saving Private Ryan” would have seemed hilarious to me. I had to laugh at something after sitting through hours of combat.
Anderson was given a Best Director award at Canne, BTW.
A short thing I read on the movie:
Mr. Anderson’s picture, “Punch Drunk Love,” brings to mind the consideration that Cannes films in the past few years have often been Oscar bait. Does that mean that Adam Sandler, its star, will be cast on the waters for Academy voters next year?