Adam Sandler's new movie Anger Management

Thanks to another site I frequent I read about and will be one of many many many many extra’s attending a taping of some stadium scenes for this movie. I’m going to be there the night of June 24th (also my 28th birthday) It will be my first time as an extra in a film, I have no dreams of being able to reconize myself when the movie is released because I know so many people will be there and they are taping over three nighs so the chance they use footage from when I am there is not the greatest. But just being part of a filiming of an Adam Sandler film is going to be exciting. If anyone else is going to be there that night from the board why don’t we have a little mini-dopefest

Congrats man, I wish you luck in being in the picture. Very few Dopers here are fans of Sandler… (I’m not a “fan”, but I don’t hate him like some people do… and should rather hate Sarah Michelle Gellar, because she’s a smug, pretentious jackass in real life, while Sander is VERY nice and VERY humble). I would love to see the movie he’s in called “Punch-Drunk Love”, by Paul Thomas Anderson, (Boogie Nights/Magnolial). I hear he’s great in that more dramatic role. But it was only at Cannes.

Tell us about it when you get back if you can. I’m interested in what it’s like. Tell us who to look for too ;).

Break a leg!

I won’t be seeing it, as I can’t stand Adam Sandler, but I hope you have a lot of fun!!

Please have a good time…don’t mind me, I’ll be crouching here in the corner, trying to process the above statement.

Already shattered an ankle a few years aglo so I’m not going to break a leg LOL. I’m not going to be able to talk much about the scenes because we have to sign an NDA but I will talk about the experience. I guess I should have mentioned that JACK NICHOLSON is going to be in the film too.

And here I came, hoping for advice in dealing with my anger over the facts that A) Adam Sandler is indeed continuing to make movies and B) these movies are being presented to the public which for some unknowable reason, C) continues to buy tickets and go to them.

The movie I refer to has Sandler inheriting a lot of money and drinking Hawaiian Punch from a water fountain. I need a cold cloth to the brow.

But – have fun at the filming! It will be hours of standing around waiting for something to happen, I guarantee. (This is true of all movies, not just Sandler glop!) :slight_smile:

And here I came, hoping for advice in dealing with my anger over the facts that A) Adam Sandler is indeed continuing to make movies and B) these movies are being presented to the public which for some unknowable reason, C) continues to buy tickets and go to them.

The movie I refer to has Sandler inheriting a lot of money and drinking Hawaiian Punch from a water fountain. I need a cold cloth to the brow.

But – have fun at the filming! It will be hours of standing around waiting for something to happen, I guarantee. (This is true of all movies, not just Sandler glop!) :slight_smile:

And here I came, hoping for advice in dealing with my anger over the facts that A) Adam Sandler is indeed continuing to make movies and B) these movies are being presented to the public which for some unknowable reason, C) continues to buy tickets and go to them.

The movie I refer to has Sandler inheriting a lot of money and drinking Hawaiian Punch from a water fountain. I need a cold cloth to the brow.

But – have fun at the filming! It will be hours of standing around waiting for something to happen, I guarantee. (This is true of all movies, not just Sandler glop!) :slight_smile:

Holy redundancy Batman.

Reiterating that, at least when I met him, Adam Sandler was a very nice young man and not one-tenth as obnoxious as he is in his terrible vehicles. I lunched with him for a Movieline interview a few years back, and he was quiet and charming—despite the fact that I introduced myself, without thinking, by walking up to him and saying, “Hi, Adam? I’m Eve.”

I did this once when I lived in San Diego. It is a ton of fun. (It was a made for HBO movie called “The Heist” with Tom Skerritt and Pierce Brosnan when he was on Remington Steele. We got his autograph and my sister told him he should have been James Bond instead of Timothy Dalton. Who knew! (Dalton had just released his first Bond film.) I was WAY more excited about meeting Viper then stupid old Brosnan.

Anyway, I didn’t think I’d see us either. But lo and behold… there’s a scene in which front and center me and my sister for a good five seconds of screen time. We’re standing up and cheering (it was at a horse track.). So don’t give up hope-- you may seey ourself on the big screen.

[shameless hijack]
For the funniest site concerning Anger Management of any sort, please visit Anger Management Solutions
Some pretty ribald language is included.
[/shameless hijack]

Adam Sandler plays a guy with anger issues? Who’d have guessed his career would branch out like that?