In this thread I asked a very, very simple, straightforward question; I asked if a story about Jennifer Lopez that kind of sounded like an urban myth was true.
The story came from a newspaper column. the column was berating celebrities who claimed to be “liberals.” I did not make any comment about the thesis of this story, what I felt about it, or how true it was. It had nothing to do with the question. Stupidly, however, I did mention that it was the thesis of the article. And so I got this:
I guess it was stupid of me to ask a simple OP that mentioned one of the SDMB Knee Jerk Response Words.
Hey, Wendell. A few things just to set you straight:
- I never said she was a liberal, a slut, or anything else.
- I did not try to “Show” she was being political, nor did I use her political beliefs as evidence to “show” anything. I ASKED A FUCKING QUESTION!
- I did not try to “prove,” imply, suggest, or state in any way, fashion or form that Lopez was a “liberal,” supported “liberal” causes, or voted for Al Gore.
- I did not suggest “Liberals” were more prone to this behaviour than “Conservatives” and in fact specifically said I was sure both did the same thing.
I just asked for confirmation of a story. That’s it! “I read this article. IS this comment true?” Partisan politics has nothing to do with it and has no place in that thread. I even specifically mentioned in the OP that I didn’t want a partisan debate and that I was sure “conservative” celebrities “do the same crap.” The “liberal” bit has no relevance to answering my question. READ THE GODDAMNED OP! And check what forum you’re in.
I’ve finally discovered why the board is running so slow! Some Dopers spend all night searching every forum every 20 minutes for the keywords “liberal,” “conservative,” “Democrat” and “Republican” so they can leap into the thread, guns blazing, and defend the honor of their personal political team with a blizzard of the usual “welllemmetellyatherepublicans / democrats / liberals / conservativesarejustasbadandthey’reabunchofhypocritesdidjaknowSmith didthesamethingyou’reaccusingBrownofdoingyousayallliberals / conservatives / RhinoPartymembersarechildmolestingmurdererswellwhataboutNewtGingrich / TedKennedyabadapplethatguyblahblahblahblahblah” crap. Yeah, right, whatever, I’m glad you have friends who agree with you.
I’m neither a liberal or a conservative. I find the idea of classifying one’s position on a left-right axis silly. I don’t belong to a political party. I don’t care about this liberal-conservative holy war.
I’m sorry I tried to help the Teeming Millions by putting the original newspaper column into context with a little background on what it said, since I apparently committed a grievous sin by mentioning one of the SDMB Holy War Knee-Jerk-Response Words, and I’ll try not to do it again. Henceforth I will avoid using such terribly inflammatory language so as not to offend our resident partisans. I will from now on use code words. From this point on, persons of a liberal persuasion, or members of a political party that generally identifies itself as liberal, will be referred to in my posts as “twits.” Persons of a conservative persuasion, or those members of political parties self-identified as conservatives, shall be “jerks.” Then at least the keyword searches will pass by.
[sub]Added spaces for formatting. - DrMatrix[/sub]