A Jack Dean Tyler sighting?

So I’m walking down Market Street last night when my attention is drawn to some very large, colorful writing in chalk on the sidewalk (paraphrased slightly, since I didn’t take notes):



Then there was a section divided into columns labeled “Good” and “Evil”. The number one item on the “Evil” list was circumcision.


Do you think JDT is on the loose in San Francisco with a box of colored chalk?

Ah, JDT finally found the intersidewalk. I hope his head doesn’t swell up. He often seemed engorged with rage. And now, he pops up in SanFran. I didn’t see that cumming.

Nothing sadder than an inventor that didn’t get a patent. Think of all the money all that foreskin could’ve raked in!

Who is Jack Dean Tyler?

Obviously it’s someone upset about Circumcision, but is he famous at all? I’ve never heard of him before now.

You’ll have to do some deep hamster-rupturing searches. He used to post here and then he went off the deep end about circumcision and got banned.

Very punny, NCB! :smiley:

More like he posted about circumcision and went off the deep end. I can count on one hand the number of his posts that had to do with something other than male anatomy:)

published and he’s using a woman’s name this time

There was a billboard in my neck of the woods with a woman holding a baby.

The sign said, “Babies are born perfect. Don’t circumsize!” and a website.

The billboard was destroyed by Frances and has yet to be fixed.

No longer hamster-rupturing, thanks to the new and improved server! For the edification of the curious:

Penile Lengthening Column

The circumcision thread: restored

Penile Lengthening Column II
Have fun! :wink: