Well, I’m probably going to make a job move sometime in the next six months, and maybe a lot sooner. I like my current job quite a bit, but it is dependent on grant money which I, as a contractor, have little control over. Our previous sugar-momma retired and her replacements have their own pet projects.
I just got a call-back about a job I applied for recently and they are interested in interviewing me. I’d like the help of all you wise and experienced types out there. Here are the pros and cons of the potential new job as I see them (before the interview.)
–There is a strong chance that I will have to find something before August. We may get more funding and we may not and it might go down to the wire.
–I would get experience in a new industry (healthcare) with many more potential opportunities.
–Greater job security, not dependent on soft money.
–It sounds like they will be able to equal my current salary but not better it. Ditto with benefits.
–The commute will be at least doubled (my current commute is 10 mins.)
–My current job is very low pressure. The new one will involve more pressure. (The interviewer already mentioned doctors with “strong personalities.”)