Ten questions, tell me what I’m talking about in each. These shouldn’t be too hard, I’m just killing time at work. Please let me know if you had to look answers up or if you knew them off the top of your head.
In 1916, had a 23-12 record and a league leading ERA of 1.75, and pitched 29 2/3 consecutive scoreless innings in 1915 and 1916 World Series which at the end of his career he would call his proudest accomplishment.
Who has received more Oscars than anyone else?
What is the special significance of July 4, 1826?
What do the following names have in common: Parker, Richards, Murdock, Summers, and Wilson?
Connery, Costner, and Elwes?
“Nuts” (not talking about a movie here)
What happened January 28, 1986?
Who was Leon Czolgosz?
If I say “That lip really axed me,” what just happened to me?
zuma: I don’t want to say which ones you got right and wrong, but you scored 40% (I’m giving you half credit for 2 of them) only 3 questions were completely right.
While #10 is technically a right answer, it’s not what I was referring to. That question has nothing to do with math.
#1-Definitely Babe Ruth. #3-Definitely two dead presidents-Adams Sr. and Jefferson. #5-I think they all played Robin Hood, but I’m not sure. #7-Challenger blew up.
Ok, here’s the ones people have gotten right so far -
Yes, it’s Babe Ruth
Yes, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson both died on that day.
They are all Marvel superheroes. (Peter Parker (Spider Man), Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic), Matt Murdock (Daredevil), Scott Summers (Cyclops), Sam Wilson (Falcon)
(Although for that last one, I was thinking Wade Wilson (Deadpool), but the answer given was still a Marvel Superhero with the right last name.)
They all played Robin Hood (Sean Connery in Robin and Marian, Kevin Costner in Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves, and Cary Elwes in Robin Hood, Men in Tights)
Another correct answer! It was the 101st Airborne. They were surrounded in the town of Bastogne (I could be wrong on the name of the town) and were running low on supplies. The wounded were taken to center of town and given a bottle of liquor because their supplies were so low. They refused to surrounder, and Patton marched his men (I believe they covered 200 miles in 2 or 3 days) to run off the German troops.
My favorite, less famous quote from the siege however, was a communication from the 101st to their superiors. I forget who said it, but the 101st was asked what the situation was. The reply was, “The Germans have us surrounded, the poor bastards.”
In the book Band of Brothers about the 101st, written entirely from interviews from the surviving members of the squadron, despite the heavy casualties, nowhere to fall back, and lack of supplies most of them still claim that had Patton not shown up, they would’ve fought their way out.
More Oscars than anyone else? – Is it Walt Disney?
The number 4 is the first. – #4 is Brett Favre, who was the first 3 time MVP in the NFL. OK, so it might not be what you were looking for, but I can’t pass up an opportunity to talk about the Packers…
John Adams and Thomas Jefferson both died on that day.
They are all Marvel superheroes. (Peter Parker (Spider Man), Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic), Matt Murdock (Daredevil), Scott Summers (Cyclops), Sam Wilson (Falcon)
(Although for that last one, I was thinking Wade Wilson (Deadpool), but the answer given was still a Marvel Superhero with the right last name.)
They all played Robin Hood (Sean Connery in Robin and Marian, Kevin Costner in Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves, and Cary Elwes in Robin Hood, Men in Tights)
The 101st Airborne commander said that in response to the Germans asking for their surrender.
That was the day the Challenger exploded.
Lou Gehrig’s #4 is the first baseball jersey number to ever be retired.
This leaves only questions 8 & 9 unaswered:
Who was Leon Czolgosz?
If I say “That lip really axed me,” what just happened to me?
If these aren’t answered by the time I go home today, I’ll post the answers before I leave. Also if anyone has any trivia question they want to share, please do! I’m working a 12 hr day, been up since 4am on 4 hrs sleep and I need to keep my mind busy to stay awake!
Here’s a bonus question if anyone cares:
BONUS: Who are Robert Parker and Henry Longabough better known as?
On #9, did you just crash your skateboard after attempting a rail-ride down the lip of the half-pipe? I’m not a skater myself, but I watch quite a bit of it on TV…