A New and Different Oreo Debate

The classic Oreo debate is “twist apart, lick off the icing and eat the cookie part last” or “dunk whole in milk.”

The new Oreo debate is: Are Oreos (the classic cookie part) black or brown?

I say brown. Really, really dark brown. Because what is an Oreo? They’re chocolate, and chocolate is brown.

Me, i trust my eyes, and I say they’s black.

I say black but Nabisco won’t say one way or the other:

Q What color are Oreo’s, black or brown?
A We do not have a color assigned to the cookie portion of an OREO. Some people think the OREO is a shade of brown, while others view the color closer to black.

They’re African American.

Someone had to be the first to say it.

The outside of the Oreo looks black to me, but when you’ve twisted it apart the side w/o the creme looks dark brown.

So… both.

Hardly anything is really, truly black. Notice how you can have black clothes that don’t really match each other, with some looking greenish black and others looking reddish black.

I say Oreos are brown. Very dark brown.

I’ve always been fascinated by this. Both of these options to me are gross (although the first is really, really, disgusting and the second - well, I just don’t like sludge in my milk).

Does anyone just eat Oreos as they are, washed down with milk? That’s how I dispatch of them.

Oh… I’ve seen brown and black Oreos, but more black.

Heathens, the lot of you.

You eat the fucking cookie and then proceed with the rest of the bag, one cookie at a time.

Anyone else ever take a bunch of Oreos, twist them all open, scrape off all the cream, roll it into a giant wad, put half the cookie parts on the top of the wad and half on the bottom, and challenge your friends to see who can eat the largest Mega-Oreo?


Well, anyway, they’re brown. Really dark brown, granted, and most stuff I’d call “black” isn’t truly black either, but I’d still call them brown. It’s easier to tell against a truly black background.

Black, because the cookie part tastes bitter to me. Hey, that makes as much sense as being brown because chocolate is!

That’s the ONLY way to eat them. Eating the parts separately ruins the perfect blend of flavors.

And they are definitely brown. I know this because they are about the same color as my hair, and my hair is brown. People often describe it as being black, but you can easily see under a light that it is brown.

Lazy, that’s what you is ;)! What’s wrong with two at a time? One-at-a-time poses the very real risk that there will be some left when a family member wanders along and expects you to share :eek:!

oh, and they’re very, very dark brown simply because black is the color of licorice which Oreos are NOT. They’re not even all that chocolatey, really, but they’re sure closer to chocolate than licorice!

They just look African American. Inside they’re white.

And I vote for dark dark brown.

They’re the exact same color as my moustache, which is why I joined the NAAOC.

They are black-brown

How can you tell which one is the fucking cookie? They all look like they’re coupling.

Brown. And I offer proof…

Empty one and a half packs of Oreos into a food processor. Blitz until fine crumbs.

Take half the crumbs, add melted butter and press into a tin to form a base.

Take 2 litres of vanilla icecream and soften in a large bowl. Add the remaining Oreo crumbs and Baileys to taste. Mix well, spoon on to the base and refreeze.

The resulting icecream cake is brown, not grey - thus, the cookies are brown. And yummy. This is the result of extensive research, I might add.


si_blakely, you do realize the butter and the Bailey’s affects the color, right?

As black as black coffee (IOW, brown).

You cant add that much Baileys - the icecream won’t refreeze (ask me how I know this :smack: ).

And adding Creme De Menthe didn’t make anything green, either. It’s the Oreo that adds the brown.

Remember - extensive research :wink:
