Here’s another pointless waste of time
Someone picks two things that players must choose between as scarier.
You must pick one thing without qualifying it (for example if the pair was Doves or Pigeons saying " Doves, if they…" is not acceptable. No “if” in your choice) though you may explain why (“Doves because they’re too mime-like.” is fine)
This is a free for all. Suggest as many and answer as many as you wish, no one needs to wait for a turn. Just note which one you’re answering.
Which would be scarier- an invisible bear living in your house, or an invisible man living in your house?
November 15, 2001, 10:26pm
The invisible man
Lost in the woods or lost in a cememtary?
*Originally posted by elfkin477 *
Which would be scarier- an invisible bear living in your house, or an invisible man living in your house?
An invisible gobear
[sub]Sorry, gobear, it was just lobbed across the plate[/sub]
November 15, 2001, 10:31pm
Lost in cemetary
George Bush dancing naked on your lawn, or Ralph Nader doing the same.
George Bush
A really big spider or a really big snake?
A really big spider. I like snakes.
A clown or a mime?
Older, experienced man on Viagra or young sailor or shore leave?
Older man on Viagra
A Stapler or a Flyswatter
Jerry Falwell or Jack Chick
Jack Chick.
Jerry Falwell doing standup, or Jerry Lewis preaching.
Jerry Falwell doing standup.
Jesse James picking your nose or Captain Hook robbing you?
Jessie James picking your nose is scarier because, you know, ew.
A monkey or a pickle?
Duh, a pickle! How obvious.
…partially used bubble wrap, or animating office furniture?
November 15, 2001, 11:24pm
Monkey. Pickles don’t fling feces.
Marooned on an island with Judge Scalia or locked in a jail cell with Dr. Laura?
jail cell with dr laura.
banana-shaped boobs or nipples the size of pancakes?
Banana shaped boobs!! Yikes!
A frog or a piece of cheese?
November 15, 2001, 11:29pm
Bannana shaped boobs
Trapped in an elevator with a three year old or a ninety year old?
November 15, 2001, 11:44pm
A frog - I’d probably step on it by accident.
Discovering the moon landing was faked, or the Second Coming.
November 15, 2001, 11:44pm
Three year old.
Which would be scarier - being eaten alive slowly by rabid ferrets or being forced to listen to Britney Spears music for 10 years straight?
Ninety-year-old – Three-year-old holds less urine
Seeing an adult film with your grandparents or seeing them in one?