A Perfectly Reasonable Amount of Schadenfreude about Things Happening to Trump & His Enablers (Part 1)

Between this and his rolling back Trump’s crap regarding our national parks… a great start to my week-end!

I believe that they’re proposing fines for non-appearance. I think they should go straight to the Marshal service myself, but I’m only a lowly voter.

Here Robert Costa reiterates an earlier Bill Maher point about Repugnicans reciprocating with arrests after 2024.
While I see concern about this setting off a tinderbox of a political legal diarraheastorm of a magnitude I’d rather not contemplate for too long, there’s this other side of me, I gotta say, that can’t quash the need to see justice meted out as determinedly as possible.

So much Democratic paralysis comes from the ‘if we do this Republicans will do it to us’ concept—which nearly always breaks down into absurdity if actually examined.

So Trump wins in 2024 (I know) and Republicans hold both the Senate and House. So they decide to hold hearings and send subpoenas to Biden officials to appear and testify.

  1. Biden officials are likely to simply appear and testify. Yes, it’s true that then-AG Eric Holder was held in contempt by Congress in 2012 for failing to supply requested documents (relating to the Fast and Furious operation). But on the whole, Democratic officials show up and produce documents.

  2. That wouldn’t stop Trumpublicans from committing mass arrests of Democrats, of course. But then if Trump gets in and we’ve got McConnell and McCarthy in charge of Congress, none of them will bother citing ‘they sent a Marshal for Steve Bannon in 2021’—they’ll just be holding kangaroo courts left and right, no excuses needed. (Or more properly: they may pretend they are doing ‘the same thing’ that Democrats did, and cite Bannon/Marshals as a rationale—but no one will believe it.)

  3. If Republicans hold White House, House, and Senate in 2024, nothing ever done in the past by anyone is really going to matter. It will be full-on boot-stamping-on-human-face.

On Holder etc.:

tanTrump made a mess (what else?) of the usually highly regulated business of gift exchanges between mandatories during State visits:
From the article:

The Saudi royal family showered Donald J. Trump and his entourage on his first trip abroad as president with dozens of presents, including three robes made with white tiger and cheetah fur, and a dagger with a handle that appeared to be ivory.
On the last full day of Mr. Trump’s presidency, the White House handed them over to the General Services Administration — the wrong agency — rather than the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, which seized the gifts this summer.
The furs, from an oil-rich family worth billions of dollars, were fake.

“Wildlife inspectors and special agents determined the linings of the robes were dyed to mimic tiger and cheetah patterns and were not comprised of protected species,” said Tyler Cherry, a spokesman for the Interior Department, which oversees the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

And that is just the funny part of the article, the rest escalates into the ridiculous. :laughing:

They are going to do it , anyway. They are the bully that no one will stand up to because they might become his next target. Sometimes, the bully needs to be punched in the face. Go down fighting or lay down and surrender. If you try the former you just might win.

I’m struggling to see how that’s a bad thing to be honest.

It is actually a very good thing for the animals in question, but for him and his ego it is embarrasing. And for the Saudis too, IMO.

Bonus points if the actual animal involved was goat.

I don’t know that it’s an embarrassment for the Saudis, it’s probably seen as an intentional insult from them that they’re proud of.

I might be wrong, maybe they thought they were real and look like idiots, but my gut instinct is that they knew exactly what they were giving him.

“Trump loves cheap stuff that looks expensive to rubes. I’m sure he’ll love this!”

I’d like to give Trump a saucer as a gift. He’d appreciate something shallow.

He doesn’t appreciate anything.

Preach it.

Why would they care? They rewrite the past freely and without shame.

Are we sure that the ones he turned over were the ones he actually received?

MTG and Lin Wood go to war over which one is craziest. Wood says MTG isn’t doing enough to reinstate Trump, and that by demanding the impeachment of Biden she’s acknowledging that he won. This makes her a Commie.

I am hoping they’ll go all Kilkenny cats on us.

Do you suppose T**** Derangement Syndrome will make it into DSM-VI?

I agree! I think she should spend every minute of her time, and every bit of her energy attempting to bring forth this utterly impossible task!

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