2020 Election Schadenfeude Thread

This is sort of a tradition dating from 2012 – for this thread, please find the most enjoyable gnashing of teeth, denial of reality, and similar sentiments, from online pundits or random internet people, and share.

Last night wasn’t much fun, but it seems pretty clear that Trump has been defeated, and we’re just making absolutely sure by counting the votes. So let’s have a bit of fun.

I’ll note that the 2012 and 2016 threads stayed in the P&I forum, which is why I posted here.

I just hope that when there is finally a consensus that Biden won, instead of phrasing it as “Trump lost the election”, everybody says “Trump is the loser of the election”. In fact, I want a crowd outside of the White House chanting “Looooooser - Loooooser…” like the old Daryl Strawberry chant.

This seems a tad premature. Or maybe I’m just remembering the aforementioned similar thread last time around. I mean, it sounds like it’s almost a done deal, but that’s still not done.


Even last night, when Democrats here were convinced it was over, I noticed that all descriptions of Trump didn’t make him sound at all confident or secure in his victory. This is definitely something that gave me hope. And now, seeing the panic and fear in him and his voters is pretty darn funny, even if it doesn’t ultimately work out.

(And for the record, I do not think there will be widespread violence, even if Biden is officially elected, so I feel no guilt for my enjoyment.)

I don’t regret starting the thread in '16 - I like this tradition, even if maybe it means someone else may get some schadenfreude at my expense.

George Will, lifelong die-hard conservative who has thrown his lot with the Never Trumpers, writes of a “somewhat happy” ending in sight. He definitely has a way with words, the mincing of which he does not.

Eh, it’s too early for this thread.

However, the “White People Mourning Romney” page is still up, for those who are feeling nostalgic:

President-elect Biden received more votes than any prior presidential candidate. There should be more HooRahing about this fact, along with the fact that he came close to losing due to the damn EC.

Someone who lives near me has kitted out their property with huge Trump banners and American flags (sixteen of ‘em!). I’ve been waiting with interest to see what happens after the election. Of course, I was believing it was going to be a landslide for Biden. I imagine that once someone has gone to all the trouble of expressing themselves so strongly, they’ll just keep on doing it no matter what happens. Sad. :upside_down_face:

The best schadenfreude, of course, is seeing Trump (and his spawn) flailing nonsensically on Fox News and online, refusing to accept the truth that they’ve lost. And we’ll probably have that to look forward to for the next several weeks. Has anyone been watching Hannity, Tucker, or following the RW nuts online? I’m curious as to what they’re thinking (but perhaps not quite curious enough to wade into their swamps right now!).

My wife, who (sadly) became an extreme Trump supporter (and devout QAnon believer), has been having telephone conversations with her less-extreme Republican friends, believing she’s out of my earshot. Her repeated message is: don’t give up hope, this will turn around, the REAL numbers will be revealed, the numbers being reported are figments of the MSM’s imagination and are being put forward for the express purpose of demoralizing The True Believers, and have no bearing on the actual will of the voters.

She’s getting this from various online sources. Whenever I walk past her, she conspicuously puts her tablet face-down so I can’t see what’s on her screen. This has been going on for about a year now but the past few days it’s virtually non-stop.

We haven’t spoken a lot this past week.

The start of this thread:

I replied to that thread, essentially saying don’t count your chickens before they hatch. I’m not surprised by the bad polling, just disappointed. Again.

I can’t imagine how difficult that must be. I’m sorry.

It looks like Trump got more popular votes than any defeated candidate in history. Making him… drumroll


I will concede that Biden’s margin of victory looks like it may end up being less than 100 EVs after all.

Nonetheless, the fact still remains that from the very moment Biden got the nomination, he was in virtually unassailable position vs. Trump. He almost couldn’t lose; he was a like a quarterback who’s been gifted a six-touchdown lead to start a game.

This is just incredibly wrong. Trump gained millions of votes (somehow!) since 2016. Biden had to gain more millions to win, which isn’t easy at all. This was not nearly a sure thing.

Oh mate that must be so tough. I’m sorry

Thank heavens we have a delightful new kitten, Molly. We talk about her a lot. :slight_smile:

But yeah, it’s weird no longer knowing what’s going on in the head of someone I’ve been married to for almost 30 years. Last Sunday she demanded to know if I was OK voting for someone who was going to raise our taxes so much that our way of life would essentially be destroyed. I said yes, absolutely, if it means I can vote against a monster. She was deeply offended.

So I’m at the point where I desperately want Biden to win, but I have literally no idea what the emotional landscape of our home is going to look like if he does. I know my wife is going to harbor deep and bitter resentment but I’ll be unable to gain any schadenfreude from that.

Maybe once it’s shown that he doesn’t ruin your livelihood she’ll modify…

BIDEN WINS!!! Bring me the schadenfreude!

I’d settle for Sigmundfreude at this point !

Which reminds me: I need to call my mother …