"A personality this bizarre needs to be monitored"

Ya think? Between the guns, the road kill and the sex, that probably is a safe assumption.


(Johnny B hat on:)
I love you
I know you’re a cow but anything 'll do
I said, Oooo whee
Can’t you see?
I just wanna make looooove to you

(Johnny B hat/off)

Yeah, I’d say you’d want to keep an eye on this dude. He’s a danger to society.

Ergh, even though it’s a newspaper and all, you may want to apply a two-click rule or something.

Must… bleach… brain…

…but if you screw just one goat…

… one dead goat …

(The combination of bestiality and necrophilia here is particularly disturbing :rolleyes: )

“…but, it was such a purty horse ma!”

[i\]“Hathaway currently faces a misdemeanor charge of sexual gratification with an animal, which carries a maximum penalty of nine months in jail…”*Kinda makes him the bun in the oven, eh?

Kewlest.City Attorney name.evah:

It’s worse if you have a visual imagination.

:: shudder ::

The problem with screwing an animal is that it’s hard to know whether the sex was consensual or not.

Especially if it’s dead at the time.


Dead animals?!

I see dead animals. But they don’t know they’re screwed.

Gig 'em, Aggies!

His parents must be soooooo proud . :eek:

Two necrobeastiality stories in one day? The Fark thread about this one is pretty lively.

That’s even worse, the dog had been dead 4 or 5 days??? And it was the gf’s dog???

Wow, should be some interesting conversation, come Christmas time.

“So, hey, Gloria, how’s your boyfrined?”


If that’s an elected position, he’ll be in office forever…

Dammit, Santorum said this would happen if you decriminalized gay sex.

I bet he never planed on washing up before he screwed the girl friend either.

I don’t see how they can charge him. I doubt they have a sex with a dead animal law. How can it be charged as beastiality if it’s an animal corpse? It most certainly isn’t crulity to animals since it’s a corpse, and the act would have had to be on a live dog.

New term for the new law to be proposed.
Necrobeastial Gratification

I actualy like the sound of that and will promote the phrase in future writings and in conversations. You heard it here, today a new term is coined. Necrobeastial Gratification