The (NJ) Record Newspaper Local News 9/11/08 headline: 7 years for necrophilia

I can’t begin to tell you what is wrong with that.

They must have gotton some complaints, because they changed it on their website.

92 years old?!?!:eek:

What a sicko!


It’s pretty fucked up that you can get 7 years for screwing a corpse, but I see stories in the paper all the time about people who rape real, actual, living people, and get less time than that.

(That is, it’s fucked up that the rapists don’t get more time, not that the necro doesn’t get less.)

If that is the headline on 9/11, I guess the healing process over the twin towers has begun.

Yeah, that’s kind of an unfortunate headline given the occasion.

Interesting, the “sleep-deprived” excuse. I’ve been sleep-deprived much of this week, and all I did this morning was forget whether I’d closed the garage door. :eek:
At least the Jersey suspect didn’t complicate forensic cases.

Ridiculous. Who was harmed? What’s the damage? Why is this even a felony?

What’s next? Hard time for farting in church?

The family of the woman. They were more than likely going through enough grief due to the fact that she was recently deceased, and then this sick freak comes along and rapes their dead momma:

If that’s all the harm that’s done then I don’t see how one could justify a harsher penalty than for defacing a gravestone.

And my first thought about the headline was that it was a look back on Giuliani’s campaign.

Nitpick: you can’t rape a dead person.

How in the fuck does a dead person give their consent?

You think him getting charged is ridiculous? I ask in all seriousness…you think its alright to fuck a corpse?

Really? How does the dead person give consent?

Seriously, I’m pretty sure this exact subject was covered in Gfactor’s recent staff report on weird laws.

ETA: damn, beaten to it. Annie, I think “How” in your post should read “When”. :slight_smile:

The person is dead. There is no consent to give.

How does a rubber vagina give consent?

Just for the record, no- although I think necrophilia is a stupid crime, and there are much better things to charge him with.

So if it was your mother, someone fucking her corpse wouldn’t bother you any more than a drunk teenager kicking over her gravestone?

I think drugs and therapy are needed more then jail time. I mean who in their right mind would want to fuck a corpse? There’s no way a sane mind would do that.

More like jerking off and peeing on her grave.

Yes, it would probably bother me more, but my level of annoyance or grief is not a proper basis upon which to jail people. Muslims are extremely bothered by people who deface the Koran or make fun of Muhammad. If I do either I should not be put in jail simply because someone is bothered by it.

Are you kidding? People are jailed all the time for crimes that cause no suffering other than annoyance and grief. The Muslim thing is a poor analogy because it’s not a crime under secular law, and it drags religion into the picture, which always muddies up the discussion.

Like what? Flag burning is no longer illegal. I have a hard time thinking of other things that are crimes merely because someone is annoyed or has grief because I do them. Maybe there are but I can’t think of them.

Fine. I’m offended at people flying the Confederate flag. It’s not illegal, though, even though it annoys the piss out of me.

If it were happening to me, keying my bike would be grounds for the death penalty. Appeal to emotion is rarely the path to a wise decision.

Honestly? Once I’d finished stamping my feet in Outrage[sup]tm[/sup], I’d probably be talking to a lawyer about suing the hospital over shoddy oversight. As for the accused, I agree with The Tao’s Revenge that this is more a mental health issue than a criminal one.