I post my photos at flickr quite often. (Link to my page if anyone is interested). One of the things I’ve noticed is that when I post a picture, sometimes theres a view on the counter before I’m even finished with writing the caption. I’ve also had instances where there are seven or eight views of a photo within the first hour, and then nobody ever looks at them again. Does anybody have any idea what could account for this? Beyond that, if one of my photos shows up on the explore pages, is there any way that I’ll know?
PS to mods- It was a toss-up between posting here and in CS.
When you are logged into flickr and load flickr.com, there are headings on the right side, with thumbnails: your most recent photos, your contacts’ most recent photos, and one titled ‘Everyone’s Photos’. Everyone’s Photos is apparently what has just been uploaded by flickr members. Interesting thumbnails get clicked, hence the views on your apparently interesting photos. New photos get added even before you’ve written the title, caption, or tags.
You can use this tool to see if your photos have appeared on Explore: