My grandma is an alcoholic. Her drinking has put my mother through hell. To help herself, my mum wrote a poem about a daughter with an alcoholic mother. She read it to my grandma and my grandma screamed at her to shut up, which she refused to do. So my grandma hit my mother. NO ONE HITS MY MOTHER! Or any member of my family. This brings us to wanker 2.
Uncle Fucker.
He is a wife beater. And when his wife (my aunty) was in hospital after a heart attack (she’s only 42), he hit his daughter. Several times. His daughter has only just turned 16. The only reason I haven’t reported him to the police is because my cousin has asked me not to.
I HATE both my grandma and uncle. This is not a word I use lightly. And I am supposed to be having Christmas dinner with both of them. (Me, my parents, my brother, grandma, granddad (also an alcoholic,) my aunty and uncle, and their 2 kids all have Christmas lunch together). What fun THAT is going to be.
My grandma gave me £1000 to help me through uni. If I could afford it I’d give her it back.
You know, if you take Grandma’s hip-flask & slip it into Uncle’s jacket, and then say you saw him near her purse when it goes missing, you could be in for one Hell of a Christmas Luncheon. Or, conversely, can you get Dear Uncle to read your mother’s poem over the food before Grace is said?
(Just make sure to call the cops on whomever is left standing. )
If you sell the Pay Per View rights, you should clear enough to cover Uni and pay back Grandma .
The plan sounds better if you click and play this sound file first:
He IS a cop. And plus my cousin has asked me not to. My mum has made it clear to her that when we move in a couple of weeks we have a bigger house and a spare room. It can become HER room very easily.
First, I’m sorry I was such a shit in post #1. If I may start over, I’d like to say that you really must tell somebody, promise or no. I asked a friend what he thought. I’ll post his reply verbatim:
Now, once again, I’m sorry for my prior antics. But I believe you have a call to make.
I’m not an expert on child abuse, but something needs to be done with uncle above and beyond saying that he’s a shit. It is possible to have a police officer convicted of a crime, no? It’s a serious matter. Can someone blow through here with better, more experienced advice, please?
What a mess. How old and what sex is your other cousin? At what actual risk are your cousins from your uncle?
Social Services are your best bet, but once you contact them, all sorts of other wheels start turning which I guess you’d rather avoid - your cousins will likely be taken into care for a start.
I would recommend against contacting your uncle’s direct superior, or even anyone at that police station unless it’s the HQ - the police can be a very tight-knit bunch.
Chances are, you’ll end up writing to the Chief Constable of Lincolnshire. If you do decide to contact him, send him a typed letter, not an email, and mark both the letter and the envelope CONFIDENTIAL. You’ll need to be much more specific, citing full names, dates, addresses, details of injuries inflicted etc. You’ll also need to be willing to stand up in front of a tribunal if it comes to that.
My other cousin is 13 and female. He wouldn’t lay a finger on her. She’s his favorite. He’s even told my other cousin that his favorite is her sister. The guy is a shit.
I don’t think they’re in too much danger. As I think they’d move to my parents house if he hit my cousin again. Plus my aunty is home from the hospital after her heart attak. He’s not going to do anything with her there. He knows she probably leave him if he did.