I’m stuck at work on this Friday, and nothing would brighten my day more than seeing pictures of people’s cats and kittens, especially if they’re doing funny stuff. I haven’t been able to own a cat since 2001, but I still love every cat I meet, and immediately want to play with them and give them hugs. I always enjoy seeing the cat pics you Dopers post, and it would be awesome for this thread to become a cat picture archive of sorts!
Ferret pictures are welcome too–those guys just crack me up.
I’ll start: here’s my buddy, who my parents had to put to sleep in 2001. I knew it was coming, but I was away at school and they didn’t even tell me until I came home for Thanksgiving, a month after the fact! So I never got to say goodbye: http://www.geocities.com/bigbadvoodoolou/cat.html
I just posted these recently, but here are some pictures of my Loki. Sorry about them being so dark, but my camera phone doesn’t have a flash and I haven’t bought a digital camera yet.
Okay, hijack… but I’m desperate to find stainless steel kitty food bistros/feeders. You know, like the ones that hold 3 pounds of food. (We free feed our lot). One of ours keeps getting kitty acne, and I’ve read plastic can be the cause. Help, oh kitty lovers? And sorry, all my kitty pics are at home. Will try to post some later.