Guys, I love you to death, but please, don’t even bother trying for the playoffs next year. I can’t stand January heartbreak.
Try being a Red Sox fan.
Red Sox fans need to shut the fuck up for while. They just won the World Series.
Fuck you, Kel.
There was plenty of heartbreak in the previous 86 years.
Oh, did the poor baby get his little heart broken? One World Series is not enough? Try talking to a Cubs fan, you selfish fuck.
Perhaps if I had posted “Bills fan” or (prior to tonight) “Eagles fan” to keep the analogy relative?
Pittsburgh’s still alive. 31-20.
Nothing against the Cubs, but their letdown usually comes around July.
Go back and finish your nap, now.
ahem Detroit Tigers and Lions fan here. The lions nearly had the perfect (i.e. winless) season a couple years back and had to blow even that by winning two games and screwing themsevles out of the first pick in the draft. :rolleyes: We lost a game this year on a bad snap.
Now can we please stop attempting to one-up each others sports pain. Yeesh.
And don’t fret Soapbox, if they keep making the playoffs, something good will come of it.
We’ve hosted the AFC championship so many times leading to nothing, and this was probably our best possible opportunity. And Bettis, my favorite player ever, won’t be able to be there. I really don’t forsee anything happening that really puts us above the level of “AFC contenders” in the near future. Short of the whole AFC pulling an NFC, leaving us to be pretty much the sole good AFC team, ala the Eagles this season.
Why not? Whose contracts are up, and are they hard up against the salary cap? The team isn’t that old, and Ben will be better next year. I see no reason why the Steelers can’t lose next year’s AFC Championship game, too.
(Sorry, sorry. Seriously, they’ll have a legitimate shot next year, I think.)
Yeah, the only thing that stopped me from crying is that Boss was watching with us, and he’s from Detroit. He said pretty much what you said, putting things in perspective.
[sub]but I really wanted us to be the first team to get to the SB with a rookie quarterback[/sub]