A serious question for Sam Stone on Factual Errors

We are “mean girls” according to Sam . . . another gendered slur.

I really hate that you’re making me defend Sam and his behavior, but don’t you think there should be some sort of statute of limitations on reporting posts you find offensive? He wrote that on July 21, 2022.

Consequences are up to the moderators, but absolutely we should be reporting these kind of rules violations, if only to help establish a pattern.

A pattern of what? @Johanna isn’t talking about anything Sam has done recently. This isn’t a case of him having repetitive behavior in deliberately misgendering Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel Levine; the incident @Johanna posted about 3 hours ago is something that @Sam_Stone did a year ago. The time to bring it up, much less report it, was a year ago.

Again, I hate that I’m in the position of defending Mr. Stone.

I had no intention of misgendering anyone. It was a slip. Months ago. This is all getting pathetic.

Why does having an old post reported for breaking the rules need defended against?

Johanna should have reported the post instead of responding and expecting Sam to own up to it, because Sam owns up to nothing. Hopefully that’s a lesson learned.

One “loophole” children with behavior problems really love is “I did this bad thing a whole bunch before you noticed it, so what’s your problem?”

So even though he wasn’t reprimanded for it at the time, it’s still important to help him (and others like him) understand that what he did was wrong.

I think you’re missing the point. Sam has done plenty to be pitted for much more recently than something he did a year ago. I had assumed on first reading, as I imagine most people did, that this was something Sam had done recently. It was only when I noticed the date of Sam’s offending post as being July 21st and it being halfway down the thread in question that I realized there was some funky time distortion going on.

We can’t judge the people of 2022 by modern standards.

Think of it as contributing to mens rea for the next time he says something gross.

Okay, that was really funny.

Agreed. That was funny. :slight_smile:

Agreed. You’re talking about your behavior right?

Looking at past discussions about the rule against misgendering, the rule was in effect earlier than Sep of 2021 There was a reorganization of the rule on Jul 30, '22 but I do think that the rule was there earlier.

If this is the first time of your acknowledging your unintentional rudeness in that post, how about including an apology for it, instead of just whining about other people’s behavior?

Something along the lines of “I’m sorry about my accidental misgendering of Ms. Levine in that months-old thread, I didn’t do it intentionally and never noticed it until Johanna recently pointed it out” would be the ethical response. Defensively calling other people “pathetic” for criticizing your rudeness—which nobody knew was unintentional until you said so just now—merely makes you look entitled and whiny.

Fuck that. I didn’t intend any sort of misgendering or any other criticism, and I’ll be damned if I will play along with your fucking little struggle session and apologize while you all gather round and snicker and wag your fingers.

In case I wasn’t clear enough, FUCK YOU. I’m sick of all of you, and you should be ashamed of the way you hound users you don’t like off of this board.

Did any of you ever consider the mental anguish you must have caused people to make them throw away years of being in a community and suicide by mod because they really want to be here but can’t take the pain any more? You are all oh-so-careful of the feelings of anyone on your side, but you act like ravenous pit bulls when non-fellow travelers come along.

You should all be ashamed of yourselves. Maybe one day your children will read this and realize who you really are when you’re online and your targets can’t fight back.

Oh, and by the way, the Hunter Biden laptop was real, and the Steele dossier was a pile of horseshit. I got pitted here repeatedly for telling the truth. Fighting ignorance? You wallow in it., so long as learning something is uncomfortable to your political beliefs.

Civil grownups apologize for rudeness even when it was unintentional. Just saying.

Yeah, none of this meltdown is managing to make you look any less entitled and whiny. Nobody is continuing to pick on you for anything that you didn’t actually do.

Gee, what happened to personal responsibility? Nobody is forcing anybody else to “suicide by mod” by deliberately indulging in an aggressive meltdown and breaking SDMB rules in a way that results in their banning.

Nobody is forcing anybody else to continue to post on these boards if they find doing so painful, either.

Jesus. “Party of snowflakes” indeed.

Holy shit, man. If you accidentally step on someone’s foot, do you apologize and move on, or do you kick up a fit about how you didn’t see that the foot was there?

Said the mean girls when the subject of their torment killed herself. "We didn’t FORCE her to do anything!

It also reminds me of the five year old’s game, “I’m not touching you! I’m not touching you!”

What you are seeing is frustration. I have been here 24 years, and this is my main community for talking with people and there’s a cluster of you who are making that completely impossible for anyone who isn’t a fellow traveler.

Going back for a year to find something to report is what triggered me this time. It’s pretty clear that there’s an intentional effort here to antagonize me and hope to get me to suicide by mod or leave the board otherwise.

But I don’t believe in Heckler’s vetos, so instead I’ll stay here and fight back any way I choose within the rules.

Or, you know, you people could learn to tolerate people who don’t think exactly like you do and not behave like angry children around them.