A slogan game? You bet your sweet Aspercreme!

Morton’s Salt
Sort of a trick one: I’ll buy that for a dollar!

Morton’s Salt.

Hudepohl is the beer to have when you’re having more than one.

Now, which publication has “All the news that’s fit to print,” and which one has “All the news that fits?”

The New York Times.

“Fly the friendly skies.”

IIRC, it’s a reference to an advertisement that appears several times in the course of Robocop, although I haven’t seen the film for some time and so can’t remember offhand the product or service being advertised. I do recall the line coming up several times, though.

“We try harder.”

Respectively, The New York Times and Rolling Stone.

“Touching is good.”

We are doing catchphrases in another thread

Old, obscure one: Just for the taste of it!


Am I correct in recalling that that’s from when Coca-Cola introduced Diet Coke?

“Choosy moms choose (name).”

Choosy Moms choose Jiff?

This one has two answers. I’ve heard it used recently for something, but it was also used back in the 1940’s for another product that’s still around today:

“Good for Life!”

Diet Coke. Ding.

“Good for Life!”

Is that Bayer?
“just brushed clean feeling”

“just brushed clean feeling”

Pearl Drops?

“Sooner or later, you’ll own…”

“Generals” [tires]

“You like it, it likes you!”