A Sumerian charioteer, a Babylonian necromancer and an Irishman walk into a bar...

A co-worker once threw the opening line above into an email, as a kind of “complete-the joke” challenge. I thought that Dopers might appreciate a similar challenge. So:

  1. Complete the joke.
  2. Supply a new opening line for someone else to finish.

My completion of my co-worker’s line was:

Complete this joke:

The Greek god Zeus, the Egyptian god Horus and the Pope run into each other while out fishing…

The Pope is sitting with his fishing pole, when Horus arrives with a loaf of bread, Zeus who has been fishing for hours, in sudden anger that he hasn’t caught a fish throws a lightening bolt onto the water, where a single fish floats to the surface, horus collects the fish. Looking down at their mediocre meal, the pope remarks “where’s jesus when you need him”

New line, Virgil, Obama and the Dalai Lama meet at comicon

…and your subsequent opening line?

Just edited the post to include it.

Field Marshal Haig, Martin Luther and Ho Chi Min go to a topless bar in London…

Martin Luther says, “I’d like to nail THAT ho to a door”.

Ho Chi Min interjects: “I’m sorry? What did you just say you were going to do to me?”

Haig places his arms around the other men and says, “Gentlemen - how about you two charge the stage, while I stay back here?”

(Sorry - it’s the best I could do with a material at hand).

That’s what she said!

My setup line:

How many raccoons does it take to rig a sailboat?

Since you mention it, my family’s been trying for years to find a punchline for “The Vilna Gaon walks into a bar…”

(Although that sentence is pretty funny by itself).

Twelve. Because of course it’d be jury-rigged!

So… What’s built like a truck but smells like a bicycle?

[Insert name of muscular professional cyclist here].

Lance Armstrong’s secret gay lover.

What’s the difference between a Dutchman and an electric can opener?

The can opener won’t draw a picture of Muhammad.

How do you get an Eskimo to bathe a chimp?

Tell him its a Frenchman.

and says to his young apprentice " You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious"

Mod walks into a thread, boots it over to the Gamer Room.


New line, Virgil, Obama and the Dalai Lama meet at comicon[/QUOTE]

The Dalai Lama says to Virgil, “I remember you from Thunderbirds”. Obama moans that it was a British show.

The Game Room bartender looks up and says, “What is this? Some kind of joke?”
Why did the bra buy sheet metal at Home depot?

because he heard it was the place to make Bro’s
one, two and three are buying a car. what car do they buy?

A BMW 321.

A man is busy having sex with his wife when his inlaws come calling, what should he do?