A Tuna Christmas

Every time I see the Any Tuba Christmas Enthusiasts here? I think of A Tuna Christmas .

I have just booked tickets to fly to San Antonio after Christmas. I hope to get to see A Tuna Christmas performed by the original stars, Joe Sears and Jaston Williams.

I have seen it produced by a community theatre.

It will be playing at the Majestic Theatre. Oh, I hope I get to see it!

Any other Tuna, Texas fans out there among the teeming millions?

Definitely one of my favorites. I’ve yet to see the third one, but I do love Greater Tuna too. What’s actually even more fun after you’ve seen it a few times though is working it. It’s just fun to see all that goes into getting the two actors ready for each of their parts.

I was a dresser for Greater Tuna in college. That is what got me hooked.