A Very Good Friend Has Had a Stroke

Excuse me. It seems I’ve shared so much bad news with you that I hesitated before doing it again, but I’ve got a friend who could use your thoughts, prayers, and energy. I’ve told you folks about a couple of very dear friends who recently moved and who have been incredibly good to me over the years. One of them is registered here as whkeith, and I was looking forward to seeing him and his wife start posting here later this week. Since his wife was talking about using the userid Hysteriosa here, I’ll use that to refer to her.

On Thursday, while whkeith and Hysteriosa were out driving, she had a rather serious stroke. She was at the wheel and managed to hit a snowbank, so whkeith and the car are all right, but Hysteriosa wasn’t as lucky. I’m on an e-mail list about her progress and I’ve been speaking to her husband pretty much every day. Hysteriosa’s right arm is completely paralyzed, and there’s some other damage to the right side of her body, including speech impairment. The doctors figure it will be a year before they know the full extent of the damage. The good news is her spirit is very much intact, right down to her wickedly sharp sense of humor. Hysteriosa is a musician – among other things, she’s taught Suzuki method violin – and she was looking forward to being involved in a Renaissance music group. The leader of that group has already said something about needing someone to conduct, a drum can be set up on a stand, and I know there are pieces of piano music written for the left hand only, thanks to MASH*, but still, there’s going to be a lot of readjusting.

On New Year’s Eve, whkeith and Hysteriosa threw their inaugural hot tub party, and I know how much they were looking forward to their new life. Instead, they’re dealing with this. These people have done me more good in the few years I’ve known them than anyone I know, I think, and I can’t begin to tell you how much they mean to me. Among other things, they’re the people who got me into these silly RG’s I’ve told you about, and whkeith is an authentic Mensa Cabana Boy (he specializes in massaging feet).

They’re Fundamentalist Christians, turned Atheists, turned Wiccans (you see why I wanted them in GD!), so whether you send them prayers, good thoughts, or energy, trust me, they can translate.

Thanks for your good wishes.

You certainly have my good thoughts, cjhoworth. I’ve seen what strokes can do to vibrant, wonderful people. I hope for all the best for Hysteriosa. :frowning:

I join with Ice Wolf in sending good thoughts and energy Hysteriosa’s way. May she recover soon.


Please pass our best wishes on to your friends CJ. We wish Hysteriosa a speedy recovery.

Keeping Hysteriosa in my Positive Thoughts/Good Vibes/Prayers.

Something similar happened to a friend’s mom, also while driving. She had a fair amount of cognitive problems right after the accident, as well as some paralysis. For instance, she would become very confused and distressed if presented with 3 or more choices at one time (knowing that something was wrong with how she was perceiving the situation), but if the choices were broken down and given two at a time, she could work her way through them. The good news is that although it took several months, she has improved dramatically, and no longer outwardly shows any signs of difficulty. I’m not sure if she has any remaining cognitive problems, but she is back at work and doesn’t appear to have any troubles going about her life.

At any rate, I hope all goes well for your friend and that she makes a full recovery. She probably shouldn’t fret too much if she isn’t back to normal quickly; although that’d be preferable, apparently she would still have a good chance of recovering later too.

Yes to what Ferret Herder said about recovery. I know people can get extremely frustrated in theser situations if their recovery isn’t going as quickly as they might have hoped. And often the frustration impedes their recovery. That’s why the good attitude is so important. {{{hysteriosa, whkeith, and cjhoworth}}}

I can certainly sympathize with what whkeith and hysteriosa must be going through. My thoughts are with them, along with hopes that eventually things work out.

Noooooooooo, not another one! Dammit! Why do such bad things have to happen to such good people? grumbles Great, now I’m all teary-eyed. Pooh.

Time to break out the ol’ spellbooks and see if I can conjure up some good healing… it’s the least I can do…

My sympathies to Hysteriosa. Try to have her see this thread to show her how much we do care about our own. {{{Hysteriosa }} Hugs.

Your friend is in my thoughts and prayer. Good friends are rare, and you are a good friend too ** cjhoworth ** for putting this out so that we can do what we can on this end.

It may not seem like much, but I believe that good thoughts, prayers, positive energy sent out to someone can help. I know it has helped me.

Prayers, good thoughts and energy on the way.

Sweetheart, I just cannot believe this!!! We have talked about these wonderful people so much that I feel I know them…and I know how good they have been to you.

My thoughts and prayers and positive healing thoughts and energy are with your friends and with you…may hysteriosa prove the Docs wrong and be back enjoying her music SOON!

My Love,


Just an update. My friend is doing remarkably well and is now in a rehab facility. She can walk a bit and her speech sounds good to me. She also has e-mail access, so I’ll be sending her a link to this thread.

Thank you, everyone, including those of you who only read this thread for all your kind words, prayers, and energies. This must be the finest place on the internet!


That is very good news. Prayers and good thoughts still go her way. Take care of yourself too, CJ.

A prayer for your friends, CJ. God go with them.

My brother had a stroke 2 years ago. It’s remarkable how quickly some people can recover. You wouldn’t know it today to look at him, although he doesn’t have good memory long or short term and will not be able to work a public job again, his health is good. I wish the best for your friend and my prayers and thoughts go out to each and all.

My thoughts and prayers go out to them, cj.

And, speaking for myself, don’t feel you’re “burdening” us with such news. This is one of the things your friends in the SDMB are for. Having needed props myself just recently, I will attest to the positive mojo helping out. And I am glad to pass it on.

All the best to your friends. I hope her recovery is swift.

Sending my best wishes CJ. Hope everything works out well for your friend.

She’s coming home tomorrow!!!:smiley:

I just checked the latest e-mail update, and my friend will be returning to her home tomorrow, less than 3 weeks after the stroke. She walked up and down 16 steps while visiting a friend’s home on Sunday, and the docs have cleared her. She’s still got a long way to go, I know, and she can only shrug her right arm, but considering what I feared, this is good. Besides, once she gets home, maybe she can tell that husband of hers how to work their new internet connection so we can finally hear from both of them :wink: If you’ll excuse me, I have a bit of an urge to turn cartwheels around the living room.

Thank you, everyone for your good wishes, etc. They mean a lot.


She’s coming home!!!