A very interesting MMP


Up and off to work.

I hate Mondays. At least I’m off tomorrow! I’m taking a personal day to take two dogs to the vet, and Ernie to the groomer’s. Mr Rebo can’t handle Blaze, and I can’t handle him by myself. And Tuesdays are discount vaccine days. Blaze has gotten quite grumpy in his old age. He’s going on 14.

Friday is my regular day off, and I’m taking the next week off on vacation! Yay! Gonna plant some flahrs and stuff…
ETA: Happy belated Birthday, Bunny!

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffienatin’. Plans today are to defilthyfy da cave. Envy me.

Ok, I need another caffiene jolt and then cleanin’ commences.

Many happy returns of the Day, snow bunny.

I am up and off to work. I hate booking flights and such–I have been putting off booking our family trip in August for this very reason. I have to do it this weekend, if I’m to get any kind of a deal. Bah.

Happy Monday, all. Let’s hope it goes quickly.

No baby yet.

Sorry you’re sick, BooFae. Don’t try to be productive today- just surf the interwebs.
Happy Monday. I think.

LiLi, I wish I could have done but I’ve just spend the last hour and a half taking minutes for a focus group as a favour to someone else who’s apparently “snowed under” with work. I say that in quotes because I know their idea of snowed under is nothing like mine.

Still, at least it gives me something to do for the afternoon!

Any sign of tnc2.0 yet?

Come on baby. Greenies!

Oh wait. :: confused ::

Well, it works with Olive. :smiley:

I’m working on pricing recipes. My favorite thing in the world. :wink: And so now you know why I’m here taking a ‘break.’ :stuck_out_tongue:

Happy belated Birthday snowbunny!

I now have a completed outfit for the wedding as I got a nice wrap for 30 Euros today when I was looking at a very similar one in Printemps (fancy schmnant Parisien dept store) for closer to 300 Euros…Champagne taste vs beer budget at work Ladies and Gentlemen!

Other than that where is the new baby?

Yay! I love it when that happens.

Booked tickets for my London-Dallas flight. I get my new passport tomorrow and then I can book my Seoul-London flight, and the two most expensive parts of my trip are done. A third of the price of my London ticket is just freakin’ taxes. It’s insane.

Plus I am NOT looking forward to going through customs at Heathrow twice. Heathrow is so unfriendly. I’m tempted to lie to them and say I’m just visiting a friend because if I tell them I’m visiting my boyfriend’s family they’re going to think I’m trying to stay there illegally or something, especially since he won’t be traveling with me (he’ll be there already).

Haze he’s your friend who is a boy. Where would the lie be in that?

Bathrooms are cleaned. Bedrooms and study are dusted. Next the kitchen! Back to cave sanitizin’ I go!

It’ll be ok.

Happy Belated-ness Bunny!

Other than that, today is the first day of spring break here, which means it is eerily quiet (peaceful) around here, and I have a better than even chance of actually accomplishing things this week.

And here I thought there was going to be a picture of Sticks wearing a German helmet and hiding behind the bushes smoking a cigarette like Arte Johnson. And I was all ready to add the “but shtupid”.

Still sending out good kitty vibes.

What about selective deafness? 'Cause there are times when you would swear HRH is deaf as a post, until you mention ice cream …

Oh, and add my voice to the chorus of

Happy Belated Birthday Wishes Bunny!!!

It’s always darkest before things go completely black.


Ok, so I went from having one fairly low priority thing to do to having about 5 high priority things to do all at once! But first, I am waiting for an email to set things in motion before I leave the house running around like a chicken with its’ head cut off. Maybe I should go get dressed more presentably while I’m waiting.

Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend.
Inside of a dog, it’s too dark to read.

Living room, dining room and kitchen are cleaned. Next I vacuum and mop and da cave is back to sanitary once again.

Also I had N.O.L. and have a pot roast goin’ in the slow cooker for dindin. It’s a neverendin’ whirlwind o’ fun today!