A very short but sweet Sci Fi story

Takes only a few minutes to read but I enjoyed this:

A powerful and emotional story.

Agreed. Glad I read it. Thanks for sharing.

Nice, I enjoyed that as well.

Ocean being soup was new to me. It…is kind of a very large, cold, poisoned soup.

That was terrific. Such world building and character development in such a short space. Thanks for sharing.

That was cute. And sad. But cute.

I like it!

Very nice.

Solar cells do not charge. Batteries charge, and solar cells produce the power to charge the batteries, but the solar cells themselves do not charge.

Anyway, I liked the Bold and Italic names, and how they were referenced in the text, and how they are also a nod to the relative physical build of the robots.

As for the deep philosophical questions, I reference the cube rule:

Hot dogs are tacos, as Italic suggested initially.

Very nice one. Compact but filled with features.

Lovely. I envy the author’s writing skills.

Very nice. Felt like it was perhaps set in the same universe as Who Can Replace a Man? by Brian Aldiss (and I like it for the same reasons).

It’s SF, set in a future where the ‘solar wing cells’ of the robots can do whatever the author says they can. I read it as meaning that the charging and storage was integrated within the same components. That’s not how solar cells and batteries generally work in today’s world, but this is not today’s world.

Thanks for that. I rarely use this adjective to describe anything other than candy or a dessert, but it is indeed sweet. Thanks for posting the link.

And I’m definitely going to think about what I’m eating the next time I have a hot dog.

Cute. BTW, cereal is not a soup as I understand the term, as it is not cooked.

But is a hot dog a sandwich? That’s a question for the ages.

That was a great story, thanks for sharing.

Maybe, but the robots are said to have both solar cells and batteries, and although it’s the future, stuff seems to basically work the way we expect it to, aside from the weird description about charging.

No matter. I enjoyed the story anyway.

Given that they question the meaning of things like sandwichs and soups, perhaps they were not clear about the definition of batteries.

Are all cold soups cooked? I’m thinking of a Korean ice-cold soup and I am not sure if it is first cooked or not.