ACORN workers caught on tape apparently advising on child prostitution

The story to the most recent linky-dink says that the incident depicted occured on July 25 of this year. What took so long?

Oh, I know for you the top people at ACORN would have to be caught gang-fucking an underage prostitute at an ACORN office, wearing ACORN t-shirts, taping it and selling copies for YOU to be concerned in the least.

Don’t worry. I’m not.


Cite for ACORN engaging in “shady” behavior?

I don’t know what “powers that be” you imagine that you’re referencing, but if your insinuating it was the White House, you’re wrong. The White House has no authority to call off Congressional investigations. Basically there just didn’t turn out to be anything much to investigate. No evdience was ever shown for ACORN engaging in fraud. Don’t believe everything you see on Fox News.

I’m sure it took FOX News that long to fabricate the tape.

A WSJ editorial from 2006? Are you serious?

What “powers that be” specifically stopped this notional investigation? On what date was this decision made and implemented?

Something verifiable, please. I have no idea who you are or whether your statements are accurate.

This is a non-responsive answer to my question. What exactly are you trying to assert about ACORN as an institution?

I can’t see the video at work, so just a couple of comments:

  1. About the inconsistency charge. The local office fired two employees, the national spokesman denies any institutional wrongdoing. They are not the same entity. It is entirely likely, even probable, that the local office saw what happened and took action before relaying all details to the national office.

  2. I am always suspicious of heavily edited gotcha type footage. I would like to see the full footage before deciding whether it shows two dupes who were tricked or two people willing to look the other way in a case of child prostitution.

From what I have read there are a number of ways this could have happened, with varying degrees of culpability to the ACORN organization.

Since I think that it would be beyond bizarre for any group to actually be pro-child prostitution, worst case is probably a general policy not to inquire about legal issues (probably aimed at being able to help undocumented workers or adult sex workers) that has fostered a climate of willful blindness to any evidence of illegal activity of any type.

Best case, the edited portion has some part of the exchange that completely changes the context and meaning of the whole thing Not having seen the footage, I can’t really comment on how likely that is.

Most likely case is probably between these two. Either two employees went beyond policy in their willful blindness, or the local office culture informally went beyond the national policy in encouraging it. Coupled with parts that have been removed that show it not quite as bad is it now looks.

In other words, hard to say what happened, but since it took them six tries to get a heavily edited video to look incriminating, whatever the real problems are, they are not as wide spread as ACORN detractors would like them to be. I would also say that at least some ACORN personnel needed more training in how to avoid even the appearance of wrong doing, at the very least.

You actually need a cite for this?!?

Ask Conyers…those were his words.

Excellent post.

(Sorry for the +1)

What is the procedure for screening out people who might advise people how to lie on their tax forms?

Yeas, we need a cite for this. Again, who are you and why should anyone trust your unverified statements as factual?

Is anyone saying the tape is fabricated?

Oh, I see the problem here. You don’t understand what election fraud is. Do us a favor and read up on it, kay?

As Dio mentioned above, Acorn hires people to get registrations. Some people try to crook Acorn out of money, so they fill out fake registrations for the bounty. Acorn can’t throw these sheets away, because that would be disenfranchising people if, against all odds they were real.

Are you following along? Good.

Acorn flags the suspicious registrations. In any case it doesn’t matter, because if someone turns in a voter registration form for Batman Von Superman III, he’s not going to show up.

Now that you’ve had it explained to you that you’re wrong, I trust that you’ll stop posting half-assed opinion pieces as fact, right?

See, you’ve had your ignorance fought!

I have no idea what in the hell you’re talking about. This is not simply a case of a couple workers trying to help a guy tell a little fib on his tax forms.

Yet another attempt at a self-satisfying tu quoque based on your imagination.

The rest of us are discussing the real world. :rolleyes:

Of course. What do you think this is, Free Republic?


Post #56. Try to keep up.