Acrobat reader is making it impossible for my computer to conncet to my TV properly?

Why is acrobat reader making it so that my television can’t clone to my computer screen? I’ve downloaded all the new drivers but they don’t change it.

Could you be more specific ?

What are you trying to do ? What is happening instead ?
When does this happen ?
How do you figure Acrobat Reader has anything to do with it ?
What OS are you running ?
What video card does your comp. use ?
What kind of comp. is it ?
What drivers have you downloaded ? What don’t they change ?

If that’s the case, you can always deinstall Acrobat Reader to see if your TV can clone to your computer.

One more all-important question to add to the excellent ones xash posted:

Do you get an error message? Please type it in word-for-word, if possible.