Advice sought for 'En Garde' email RPG.

I’m starting in an established ‘En Garde!’ email based role-playing game in the next month or so, and will be joining a group of about twenty players (each with two characters). I know about half of them from university.

Any En Garde! veterans out there who can offer basic advice? I understand that character mortality rates can be quite high in this game. I’d just like to know what I can expect from the game in general, as obviously the style of any one GM can alter the experience quite a bit.

I’m also after suggestions for an appropriately punny French name - the GM has encouraged us to make them “groan-worthy”.

Many thanks in advance.

Sal de cevencies

Stash Bouckleir

Jacques the Monkey

My French is really rusty, but how about * La Poulet de la Mer.* ?