Aerosol Cheese

What is the appeal of being able to tempt your guests with insipid cheese rosebuds on crackers? For many years, aerosol cheese was unavailable in Canada, which I always sorta saw as a bonus. President’s Choice came out with a “Ready, Set, Cheese” product but I think they withdrew it after it failed to sell to sensible Canucks.

Won’t someone just tell me why?

As an American, I can only guess that the appeal of this stuff lies purely in the supposed ease of use… we Americans are always looking for a way to make things easier, and sometimes the results are not pretty!!

Or maybe some marketing types were sitting around smoking pot and thinking of new product ideas… “Hey, you guys! Check this out: CHEESE IN A CAN!!

IMHO, the stuff is inedible, but you gotta admit it’s kind of cool! Besides, before this stuff was invented it was virtually impossible to squirt cheese under your neighbor’s door!!

IMO, it is disgusting. But it’s a good dog treat. I used to get it for my dog Gizmo occasionally to fill his Kong toy. When he saw me with the can he would come running. Now I use peanut butter.

Why you would serve it to guests is beyond me. Maybe it’s only for people you don’t like.

Yeah, okay, so we have cheese in a can - at least we put our milk in proper cartons and not in plastic bags! Ha! So there!

I believe that the name Cheese Whiz says it all.


puff, puff, toke, toke… “Cheese in a can? Hmmmmmm… cough! cough! Wait!! I’ve got it!!! SHAVING CHEESE!!!

huh? Huh??? No one???
Astro goes to bed, disgusted and sad

I for one welcome the invention of shaving cheese. If you are seriously thinking of marketing this fine idea, please get in touch. Were you thinking different varieties --cheddar, mozzerella and maybe an exotic wild cheese blend?

I used to love Cheese Whiz when I was a kid. On a Ritz cracker with a bit of ham or something. But then I grew up and started eating real cheese.

Why is there Cheese Whiz? There must still be a lot of people who like it, and it must be selling well.

Dr_Paprika, we need to market several kinds of shaving cheese! Obviously Mozzarella would be for teenagers (pizza face)…

Ok, never mind!

This time I’m really going to bed! Late here in Asia…

Cheeze Whiz is the stuff in a jar. Aeresol cheese is called something else, and is distinct from Cheeze Whiz (or however it’s spelled). Both are equally… well, just eeeeeewwwwwww.

I’ve always thought the name Cheeze Whiz sounded like an unfortunate and painful medical condition.


Say what you will about “squirt cheese” (as it is known at our house), I still maintain that modern science has yet to come up with a better way of obtaining 15 minutes of blessed silence from a four-year-old, short of actual sedation, than by giving him a can of squirt cheese and a box of Triscuits.



Excuse me, but I believe both are of the “Velveeta” school, also known in the trade as “Pasturized Processed Cheese Food”.

And frankly, if you HAVE to call your product “Food” then it shouldn’t be eaten. Maybe use it for tub caulk or something like that, but NOT consumed.

Not unlike Potted Meat Product, which I think by law cannot even use the word “food” in it’s title.

As has been mentioned aerosol cheese is distinct from Cheeze whiz, i.e. it contains more water. Processed cheese cannot be sold as real cheese since it is processed; Cheeze whiz has more water and has to be sold as a processed cheese food. Who knows what they add to Mexican Velveeta to stuff it in a can…

Dog food.
Cat food.
Cheese food.
Obviously a product fed to cheese in order to give various cheeses a healthy coat and, uh, good colouring

What the hell, I did it in the Circus Peanut thread…I actually like Easy Cheese. I think it is good. But then again, I also like Cheese Whiz and Velveeta.

True, none of these products taste like cheese–but then, maybe that’s because they aren’t! They are foods in and of themselves. Just like instant mashed potatoes taste absolutely nothing like homemade mashed potatoes, Cheese Whiz tastes nothing like cheese but it has its place in the snack food world.

I think you are all snack food snobs!

Easy Cheese… ::drool:: and Chicken in a Bisquit…

[simpsons moment]

who cares about the ozone layer?! thanks to aersol cans, i can write my name in cheese!

[end simpsons moment]