Allright the reason I’m asking this stupid question is because of this…
Saturday night was card night with the boys. And of course with five guys (two of which were African Americans) and a case of beer (CORONA) We started talking about sex.
Well one of my AA friends asked me…Dave (My real name) do you…go down?
OF course I said. Then he looks at the other guy and said “I dont see how you white boys do that.” To which I said you don’t ?
Hell no he says to me. I said why? He said thats just nasty!
Okay this is info from my black suite mate from college, who I used to have very interesting conversations with regarding, for lack of a better term, “black culture” vs. “white culture.” I am not saying she’s right or wrong, this is just what she told me on the subject:
She said that black people, if they’re “raised right,” don’t do that. Especially girls. She said as she was growing up (in SC if that makes a difference), it was more “respectable” for a black girl to just sleep with a guy than to give a blow job. I sensed the same attitude among my black friends in high school. Nice girls just don’t do that. And apparently nice black boys don’t do that either, because I, um, heard some interesting stories about some guys she dated that did. Apparently it was a rarity.
Which is interesting because as I was growing up in my lily-white world in western Kentucky, it was just the opposite. White girls who gave BJ’s were okay, white girls who actually had sex were ho’s (hos? hoes?).
Ummm my boyfriend is black and has NO problem with performing or receiving oral sex. Which is just fine with me
I have noticed a tendency among certain groups of men to say that they don’t perform oral sex but once the door is closed on the bedroom are more than willing to ‘do their share’
In my girlfriends human sexuallity text book it showed a breakdown of participation in sexual acts by race. Whites performed and received oral sex far more that blacks and a bit more than hispanics. I forget the figures but the percentage of whites received and performed almost twice that of blacks.
I’ll add my anecdotal evidence to the pile here as well. While there are certainly exceptions, the general perception is exactly as SnoopyFan provided.
Actual overheard conversation between male coworkers, average age around 40.
White Guy “You mean you don’t eat it?!”
Black Guy 1 “Heck no! That’s disgusting! How can you do that?”
BG 2 “That’s just a waste of what it’s there for, man.”
WG “Why do you think our women are so docile?”
I just busted out laughing right there, there are some advantages to working in a male-dominated field.
In one of my university classes there was a report showing a statistically significant relationship between income classes and whether you practice genital and oral sex (quite possibly, anal sex was also documenter). The higher income groups were more likely to engage in oral and genital sex than the lower income groups.
I wish I could remember what the heck this study was, but I’m sure it exists.
Shit, any nigger say he don't eat pussy is lyin' his ass off.
I heard that.
Hold on a second, Big D. You sayin' you eat pussy?
Nigger, I eat everything. I eat pussy. I eat the butt. I eat every
motherfuckin' thang.
Preach on, Big D.
Look here. If I ever did eat some pussy - I would never eat any pussy -
but, if I did eat some pussy, I sure as hell wouldn't tell no goddamn body.
I'd be ashamed as a motherfucker.
What would make it disgusting, is what i wanna know. Unless you’re goin’ out with some dirty skank ho, but then the question would be why are you fuckin’ something so nasty that you wouldn’t put your tongue in it?
Yeah, amongst all the girls I knew, “giving head” would be waaaaaaay more scandalous than just intercourse. Hello! It’s putting somebody’s nasty “thing” in your MOUTH!!! And I refuse to believe that that sentiment is any different anywhere else.
Heh. I just finished reading “In the Cut” and the black guy in the book said he’s not eating ANYTHING that gets up and walks away afterward. Bwahahahaha!!!
I had 3 African American apartment mates my freshman year at college. All of them thought I was crazy for loving to perform oral sex. A vividly remembered quote from John: “Man, she pisses from down there - I ain’t licking her where she pisses.”