This was the opening phrase of a Comedy Central commercial, and it sparked within me a conversation:
Homophobe me (I thought he was gone. It will take more work I guess. I assure you he is very small, though): Eeww… Icky!
Anti-Homophobe me: Quiet, Fool!
Rational me: All right, calm down you two. We just learned that that gay guy likes George Clooney. Nothing major. Let’s just smile and nod.
Egotistical me: Why was he fantasizing about Clooney? What the hell is wrong with me?
Rational me: Umm, Ñañi, you are not gay.
Egotistical me: And? i just said he should WANT me, not that he should GET me!
Asshole-depressive me: But no one knows who you are. You even know that guy?
Egotistical me: Shut Up. I just thought that maybe the guy was a little off when he said Clooney, thats all. I mean, anyone, gay or straight, should be happy to have ME!
Rational me: Well, every guy is different, gays included. Maybe this one just doesn’t like our type.
Egotistical me: Well, he has really bad taste then.
and Cut.
Now, I realize there is no universal gay thought on anything, especially physical attaction, but It made me curious*. Gay dopers, what is your ideal guy?
*I asked one of my gay friend this. He laughed and said, “As long as they are FIERCE!” and walked away.
I’m pretty sure he was joking. In any case, I decided not ask him what he meant by fierce.