After a long day of teaching, I like to fantasize I am making love to George Clooney

This was the opening phrase of a Comedy Central commercial, and it sparked within me a conversation:

Homophobe me (I thought he was gone. It will take more work I guess. I assure you he is very small, though): Eeww… Icky!

Anti-Homophobe me: Quiet, Fool!

Rational me: All right, calm down you two. We just learned that that gay guy likes George Clooney. Nothing major. Let’s just smile and nod.

Egotistical me: Why was he fantasizing about Clooney? What the hell is wrong with me?

Rational me: Umm, Ñañi, you are not gay.

Egotistical me: And? i just said he should WANT me, not that he should GET me!

Asshole-depressive me: But no one knows who you are. You even know that guy?

Egotistical me: Shut Up. I just thought that maybe the guy was a little off when he said Clooney, thats all. I mean, anyone, gay or straight, should be happy to have ME!

Rational me: Well, every guy is different, gays included. Maybe this one just doesn’t like our type.

Egotistical me: Well, he has really bad taste then.

and Cut.

Now, I realize there is no universal gay thought on anything, especially physical attaction, but It made me curious*. Gay dopers, what is your ideal guy?

*I asked one of my gay friend this. He laughed and said, “As long as they are FIERCE!” and walked away.

I’m pretty sure he was joking. In any case, I decided not ask him what he meant by fierce. :wink:

I’m not gay, but a straight female, and I see NOTHING wrong with fantasizing about George Clooney.


Okay, sorry.

I think you need to fantasize about making hot, sweaty man-love to a pharmacist who can hook you up with a steady, cut rate supply of anti-psychotics. :stuck_out_tongue:

My ideal guy is either tall or pretty short, slender, punky or geeky, with piercings if at all possible, valiantly left-wing, romantic and sexually uninhibited, with an English accent.

Meet Tom (Potter). He’s from Bristol. I love me some Bristol boy. blissful smile

I fantasize about George Clooney all the time. Body bags and shallow unmarked grave are generally involved.

Thomas Gibson (Greg from Dharma and Greg).
Chris O’Donnell.

George Clooney handsome, but not my type.

Young genuinely masculine guys like Rick Schoeder when he was on NYPD Blue are more of a fantasy type for me. Or Jerry O’Connell in the Scream movies. Newscaster Stewart Scott on ESPN. And of course Alfonso Riberio when he was hosting that Star Search type of game show. And since he is still on my mind from the Charles in Charge thread, the adult Scott Baio is extra hot. He’s got quite an attitude too.

Heh heh. Walloon, I work with Thomas Gibson’s sister. She looks just like him. (Eerie thought!) I’m not a gay guy, so I can’t really participate in this thread. (I’m a straight girl, I dig most guys anyways!)

Weird. After a long day of making love, I like to fantasize I am teaching George Clooney.

I just don’t see the attraction.
Now Ralph Nader…:wink:

After a long day of breathing, I fantasize about George Clooney. He’s scrumptious!

WHY? What’s wrong with George Clooney?

He’s one of those guys that gets even more handsome with age.

I think it’s envy… :wink:

Not everybody likes George Clooney. In fact, if 10% of the population likes a certain person, he/she is doing very well.

I’ll bet Clooney has an easy 40% going for him. Guys like him, too! And not just the gay ones! He’s an action-figure type of guy.

And from what I hear, a complete gentleman. He’s this generation’s Cary Grant, according to some, and I agree.

Plus he has prematurely grey hair, he’s suave, he’s charming, he looks good in a tux.