My BIL owns a shop here in town. I guess you call it a gaming shop, there’s a lot of figurines to buy and paint, like Warhammer, and he has rooms for people to play MagiNation and role-playing card games like that. He also sells painting supplies and holds tournaments.
Both of my BILs, their wives (Ivylad’s sisters) and my daughter go to the same church. Ivylad and I aren’t churchgoers, but my daughter likes to go, as much as to see her cousins and aunts and uncles as anything else. We’ve been a couple times, mainly to see our daughter sing in the choir.
My SIL (married to the BIL who owns the gaming shop) also teaches at the church school.
Now, apparently, a group of their fellow church members have decided that my BIL is a Satanist because of his shop and are going to try to shut down his business.
The business that supports his wife and two children.
Another group at the same church tried the same thing and didn’t get very far, so now another group of “Christians” are trying.
A lot of teenage boys from the church hang out at the shop as well. Perhaps that’s why the parents are worried…I mean, why hang out at a shop to play games and paint figurines when you could be out smoking crack and knocking up the head cheerleader?
I know all Christians are not like this, but for crying out loud, how goddamned narrow minded can you be? He’s not doing anything illegal. He’s trying to run a small shop to keep a roof over his children’s head and feed his family. Can you imagine the group of people you see weekly and worship with can be so nasty? What a betrayal!
My BIL plans to talk to the pastor about this. There are rumours the pastor does not support the movement to shut down his store (as if they’d get very far) and I suggested that the pastor do a sermon about the sins of gossip and remind everyone of the Golden Rule.
It seems to me that the fundies have one huge flaw, the denial of imagination. There cannot be anything to deviate from what their own petty minds can dredge up, and those who think and dream and reach for that something that can’t be found in the bible, chapter and verse, are Satan’s minions.
I will let you know how it goes.