Albatross! No, not that one....

The instrumental written by Philip Green and performed by the Shadows.
And not really that either, but the other piece by Philip Green, for the movie* Tiara Tahiti.
Apparently my Dad is pestering my Mum with the (ha!) fact that both pieces of music are exactlythe same. She disagrees, strongly.

None of us can find even a brief sample of Tiara Tahiti online to prove either of them right.

Any help will be rewarded with a punnet of wolf nipple chips, gettem while they’re hot, they’re lovely.

Here, since I can’t make out what the title of the song you want is, while you look you can annoy them both with this song. “Albatross! Albatross! Albatross!” by Mt. St. Helens Vietnam Band. I like it, but I bet they won’t.

Do you get wafers with it?

Don’t you mean Albatross written by Peter Green and performed by Fleetwood Mac?

Ta very much, me and the kid like it anyway.

According to imdb, the soundtrack is called Tiara Tahiti, which is pretty much why mum and I think it isn’t Albatross.

Mum keeps trying to sing them, which isn’t helping since she hasn’t heard one of them in almost 50 years and the other is an instrumental. :smiley:

Course you don’t get bloody wafers with it! Gannet on a stick?

What flavour is it?

This is what I thought of - and which is beautiful. Never heard of the one in the OP…

Me either, but it’s at

You have it.

Philip Green wrote the soundtrack for Tiara Tahiti.

Peter Green wrote Albatross, which was covered by The Shadows.

Proof that Mum is right and while similar, they’re not the same. I shall ring them and let the gloating begin.

Thanks very much.
And it’s seabird flavour.