all these people attacking Rush Limbaugh...

and mentioning that he’s fat–STOP IT!

It doesn’t matter if he’s fat–he’s stupid and that should be sufficient.

Stop throwing “He’s a fat slob” into your argument. He would have disgusting ideas even if he lost two or three hundred pounds. That big belly he carts around with him is immaterial–well, it’s material, but you know what I’m saying. It’s irrelevant to any political discussion, but you need for some reason to keep bringing up his obesity, as if that’s a part somehow of his argumentation. It’s not --it’s just avoirdupois, not substantial. A gross fat tub of guts should be allowed to bloviate on the air, but we should criticize the ideas he proposes, and not focus on his appearance, even if he insists on wearing those circus-tent shirts that make him looker even fatter than he is, if that were possible. Having quadruple-chins doesn’t make him offensive, and if he were saying sensible things we shouldn’t care how many rolls of fat he has around his hips. Sure, he’s a big heap of lard, but there are far more objectionable points to make about his radio program than to keep harping relentlessly on his need for size-XXXXXL pants, and I wish you’d stop!

Thank you very much.

You sound fat. And slutty.

That’s what a person who has sex for money would say.

You got a point there.

If I kept bring up Obama’s skin color when I thought he was being stupid or some other guy’s propensity to prefer cock to putang when I thought his reasoning was poor I’d catch holy hell for it and rightly so.

I wonder if the “fat” insult is in any way related to the perception that someone is redundant?

Or is it just a general insult about their perceived lack of self-control, attractiveness and whatnot?

Because while I wouldn’t use the term to describe him myself, I can see how the image of him consuming in excess on his $400m contract while demeaning those that face poverty may fuel those that feel he’s undeserving. There are plenty of overweight people I’d rather hear on radio: Ingersoll or Chesterton for starters.

Can we still use drug-addict?

But yea, I agree with the OP. “Fat” gets used against political opponents a lot (Chris Christie and Michael Moore are another two that get this frequently), and its not really particularly relevant. My problem with Rush is the stuff that comes out of his mouth, not what goes in it. If Obama were 500 lbs, I’d still happily vote for him. I don’t really care how big political figures or commentators are.

Also, it gets stretched to insult politicians who aren’t really that fat. Newt Gingrich for example, isn’t exactly a picture of health, but he isn’t really that notably rotund. Yet for whatever reason, he seems to get called fat pretty frequently by late-night comedians and the like. And its not like Newt doesn’t have any actual negative features to draw on.

The OP smells like cheetos and desperation.

True, although Limbaugh himself has been guilty of enough nasty cracks and innuendos about other people’s looks (remember the “White House dog” remark about Chelsea Clinton, and the jeers at Michelle Obama’s weight?) that it’s hard to feel sorry when he’s targeted by similar remarks in turn.

Not a good comparison. Skin color is not a matter of choice and cannot be controlled. Barring a medical condition, the same is not true for obesity any more than it’s true for drug abuse. Rather, it’s not-unfairly usable as symbolic of of lack of self-control or initiative.

That said, yes, character, as revealed by one’s “choice of words” is enough to criticize someone for in its own right, obviously.

Normally, I’d 100% agree with you, but Rush has repeatedly called the First Lady fat and loves to make comments about her body (which I think is insane to anyone who has ever seen a photo of Michelle Obama). So, if he wants to throw stones like that, then it’s open season.

Bahhhh…Obama has a 50/50 choice on that one…and nationality too as far as that goes :slight_smile:

Note I am not much of an apologist as far as being either fat or Rush Limbaugh goes.

I will note that if I ever encounter somebody doing something like breaking into my car or kicking my dog without good reason or any other such other way over the line offenses I reserve the right to use any and all PC uncorrect insults I can muster. I just won’t use them to insult you on your position on tax policy/whatever.

I’m reminded of that one time when David Mitchell reacted to a bunch of people making cracks about how ugly Ann Widdecombe is. “I sort of like to say, in defense of Ann Widdecombe, that the thing that’s bad about her is all of her horrible views, not the fact that she’s ugly. Is that the best that we can say about this woman who voted against gay rights and horribly wanted to get into power and wanted to make us do horrible things? This evil person, and the only thing we can find to say about her is she doesn’t look great?”

He’s a fat, ugly person making fun of other people’s looks. He deserves to be mocked for it. After he made fun of Chelsea Clinton’s looks when she was still in high school I thought he should have been shoved off the air permanently. A grownup who mocks a teenager’s appearance is a rat bastard and should be treated with all the respect of something you’d scrape off your shoe.

I still wish that Bill Clinton had reacted to Limbaugh the way Harry Truman did when someone gave his daughter Margaret a bad review.

Rush Limbaugh likes to tell everyone how they should lead their life. He’s got the answer for everyone except himself. Therefore, he is wide open to any critique that comes his way. He get’s no slack because he gives no slack.

This fat, gooey, slimy, obese, fuck, made out of pig swallow who is a known drug abuser that should be in prison, that can’t father a child after marrying 4 different women should have no podium, especially in regards to sexuality and “family values”.

He’s a disgusting fat fuck. He’s an obese, unsightly moron. His corpulence and stupid rhetoric is enough to disgust almost anyone (except for the OP). He is disgusting without being a fat fuck. The fact that he can pontificate on how everybody else should live their life without getting control of his own life is really disgusting.

Fat, drunk (or drag addled) and stupid is no way to go through life.

Don’t forget the drugs. He sounds like he’s on oxycontin.

Damn, ninja’d. Jokes already been made

In theory, I agree with the OP’s principles. However, Rush Limbaugh is a (fat, ugly drug addicted loser, not to mention a corpulent and repulsive ) man in a glass house hurling stones at everyone else. So while his disgusting, stomach-turning physical appearance would normally be irrelevant, the fact that he calls the First Lady fat, when in comparison to him, she is anorexic…is just cause imo to throw principles out the window and call him out as the fat, disgusting pig that he is. No offense to all the pigs out there, as I actually think they are kind of cute.

Rush doesn’t read the Dope. I’m not sure calling him fat to “get back at him” really makes sense. He’s not going to be aware of it.

Everybody knows that the OP isn’t serious about the “don’t call him fat - it’s irrelevant!” stuff, right? He loaded that thing with fat jokes camouflaged in mock PC outrage. “not focus on his appearance, even if he insists on wearing those circus-tent shirts”. I think it’s pretty damn clever.

Everything that issues from the mouth of that gas bag is less disgusting than a toxic cesspool flooding over with the carcasses of rotting vermin. And physically, Rush is not just fat, but a slug like bloated, unhealthy looking, puffed up, dough boy.