Do you ride the tank in the General’s rank?
Ooooo Ooooo
Do you ride the tank in the General’s rank?
Ooooo Ooooo
I think he figured out the “overrated” part already, and is busy trying to get some money back on all those blessings he called down upon our heads.
Shouldn’t that be 10,000 salamis?
Welcome home Butcher Cook!
Come on, now, people, if after all, it was you and me, the thread title would have been “Please allow me to introduce myself”
Welcome, Butcher Cook. I was hoping you were going to provide us with tips on cooking our butchers, but I will settle for a new member who does not post in dialect.
I don’t wanna be snarky or mean so I won’t make any comment about your repeated use of the words “god bless you” on this message board. Welcome!
Pointless fact of the day:
“Butchers” is cockney rhyming slang for “look”. Which rhymes with “cook”.
Thank you, that is all.
Well, there are the fresh meat pies…
You remind me of my sister, Chef Baker. Welcome aboard!
Welcome. What is your opinion of squids?
Butcher Cook… your name would indicate that you are the elderly and rich village butcher whom the young and pretty but poor lass is being forced to marry against her will.
Welcome Home,
You will note the lack of exit doors, which is strictly for your protection. You may keep anything you find in the seats, however.
I think it would be best if we didn’t introduce the goats as BC may actually be able to deal with them effectively
Fetchez les Squids!!!
We haven’t heard from him. I wonder whether the ice cream was fatal?
It seems like someone called** Butcher Cook** with that introduction needs a joke about “taste.” I almost had one, but it got away.
Oh, well, pleased to meet you anyway.
I heard a few months ago that some people have discovered a “new” cut of beef previously unknown. They wanted to patent it and name it the Las Vegas cut, but were probably testing it out on various cows in the meantime. Do you know what happened with that?
He’s posted in at least two other threads so it would appear he survived the ice cream as well as the goats.
I find it ironic that after Northern Piper complimented the Op on not trying to tell us how clever he was, that everyone fell all over themselves trying to show how clever they were. I don’t think they should post their IQs either.
I don’t have an IQ.
Mine’s nintyfive. Right in the heart of the curve.
But what’s troubling you is the nature of my name.