Alpaca Sex

My manly bits are wincing now.

What other mammals was she entertaining? Adventurous! I’ve also heard that ducks and dolphins are not gentle lovers.

As long* as we’re discussing other members* of the animal kingdom, I thought I’d mention the tapir, which has come to some degree of notoriety due to its sizable and fully prehensile penis.


And let’s not forget the monotremes, with their double penes each with two heads.

If you’re curious about the appearance of the Alpaca penis (and the female reproductiv tract) there are pictures here:

Intra-horn Penile Intromission in the Alpaca Vicugna pacos and Consequences to Genital Morphology

Patricia L R Brennan, Maya Sterett, Mary DiBuono, Genesis Lara Granados, Kay Klo, Rebecca Marsden, Pearl Schleinig, Louise Tanner, Stephen Purdy

Integrative and Comparative Biology, Volume 61, Issue 2, August 2021, Pages 624–633, Intra-horn Penile Intromission in the Alpaca Vicugna pacos and Consequences to Genital Morphology | Integrative and Comparative Biology | Oxford Academic

Here’s more information in a fact sheet on Alpaca Sex from the British Alpaca Society. Yes, that actually exists

All of this makes me wonder about sex among other South American camelids – Llamas, Vicunas, and guanacos. There’s not much out there.

Llamas are “dribble ejaculators”, which sounds insulting

There are some things I wish I didn’t know.:llama:

“Dribble Ejaculators” is NOT a good name for a band…


Jack and the Dribblers?

Bonus points if there’s a llama stenciled onto the drum set.

And the drumsticks are…

The bottom line, from my brother’s perspective, is this:

If a woman tells a man “You’re hung like an alpaca,” she’s not paying him a very grand compliment.

If, OTOH, her comment is “You make love like an alpaca,” then the man should feel exceptionally proud.

I neither asked for nor received a significant amount of additional detail.

But I got the gist.

A man should have seconds thoughts if she says that!

Scratching up the inside of her vagina is a good thing?

I’d think being told you made love like an alpaca would be a downright insult.

Well, my partner and I once visited a farm where they had llamas and emus. We were told to watch out for the brown male llama, who was running crazy around the site because their female llama was in season and they had to separate them, since llamas have really rough sex and end up kicking and biting the tar out of each other when they do the deed, so they couldn’t just let them go at it.

Hell yes.

Him, " Um, how would you know that?"