Alpaca Sex

I learned on Late Night with Stephen Colbert last night that the male alpaca has a very long thin penis with a cartiligenous tip, almost like a spear.

I’m sure there are plenty of human guys who could fantasize about having a spear-like dong, but my immediate thought was “How do the Lady Alpacas feel about this?”

Although it might be neat to be able to scratch those hard-to-reach places, I can’t help but feel that this might make them – well – uncomfortable.

It turns out, to be true, but, of course, it’s even more complicated:

(I can hear the collective female response “Glad I’m not an alpaca”)

Alpacas found to be the only mammal to directly inseminate the uterus.

There are plenty of examples throughout the animal kingdom of sex being painful, injurious or even fatal. Add this one to the list.

And that’s when it’s done right!

Carchy title.

No, THIS is a Carchy title:

One of the most grotesque forms of sex is in bed bugs. The male pierces the females abdomen and injects his sperm into her body cavity through the wound.

don’t knock it until you try it.

Man, penises are weird

Female alpaca, legs crossed, “You ain’t packing nothing in here, dude!”

That sounds unpleasant.

Not a great day to be a female alpaca.

This information might breathe new life into the bestiality websites.

I did not need to know this.
Fight all you want, I was happy to be ignorant about Alpaca sex.

My girly bits are wincing now.

I think it’s important to know. Otherwise, in a moment of passion, you might cry out, “Take me like an alpaca, you magnificent camelid of a man!”

Now that you know, you can instead say, “Take me like a llama or guanaco, but specifically not an alpaca and probably, out of an abundance of caution, not a vicuña, either, you magnificent camelid of a man!”

I expected to read next that each female alpaca only experienced one pregnancy per lifetime.


All I can say is that my brother is in town this weekend. He has alpacas.

I’m truly at a loss for a reasonable way to bring this up in the weekend’s casual conversation.

I guess … bluntness is the coin of the realm.

No pun intended.

Don’t be sharp tongued. At least.


Oh, please, let us know how this went.

I’m not dismissing your example, which is a bit more horrific that the well known “praying mantis eat your lover” technique.

I think the most grotesque format is deep ocean Angler Fish, which brings female domination to a level beyond certain German adult movies.

The male fish is assimilated into the body of the female, and lives there as a parasitic sperm donor.

(Worse, it could be a threesome, with 2 male parasitic sperm donors. Awkward monent when you sacrifice everything to pass on your genes, and there is another fish already there, doing the same thing)

This thread reminds me of the old Straight Dope column about pigs having corkscrew shaped penises. (And of course Slug Signorino’s illustration.)