Since The Straight Dope is calling it quits, I was wondering about alternatives that capture the feel/facts/snark that Cecil Adams has given us throughout the years.
Here in Portland we have Marty Smith’s Dr. Know column, published in the local alterna-weekly Willamette Week.
any others?
The (UK) Guardian has Notes & Queries.
It doesn’t have the same question-answer thing going on, but Mental Floss is good for answering your weirdest questions.
I didn’t realize it was ending
That note on the main page was a very nice testimonial about our humble message board.
XKCD’s “What if?” would be an excellent blend of facts and humor, but it hasn’t been updated much recently. There are lots of archive articles to browse through, though.
ETA: Plus, he occasionally references the SDMB.
WHAT??? Holy shit. I have learned SO much here.
NO! You LIE! FAKE NEWS. I can’t hear you LA LA LA LA LA LA!
The boards are continuing though, didn’t Cecil say? How will that work?
Didn’t read like it to me. It seemed like archives would be available though.
Looks like it will remain, from that text at least.
Oh. That’s great. It would be a pretty silly move to remove it considering the presence that it has on the web.
I find your lack of faith disturbing.
I’ve asked the question twice at ATMB. Krickets. I guess we will find out when we can’t raise the site.
And it has been answered at least that many times by Ed himself-This board still makes money for the owners, and it will continue for the foreseeable future.
No need to snark. I read the article a few times yesterday and did not see that the SDMB would remain open. A number of other people where unsure as well. Perhaps the article has been edited to clear this up.
Did they ever say if the column was really published by the same guy with the penname Cecil?
Seems unlikely one guy did it from Feb 1973 to June 2018.
I guess one guy that started in his early twenties could have worked that long.
Most people advance a career by moving to other better paying jobs with more responsibilities.
It would be remarkable if the same writer kept the same job for 45 years.
It was answered in the thread “A note from Cecil Adams about The Straight Dope”.
LOL there are thousands of threads here.
People don’t read every one. Especially a thread in about this message board. I RARELY ever look in that section. Cafe, IMHO, and Mundane are where I visit and post. I go to General Questions every couple of days.
I was completely blindsided by this news.
My bookmark goes directly to the board. I hadn’t been to the column’s web page in a few weeks.
Anyway, back to the question at hand-Are there any other “Answer Person” columns left out there?