AM drive talk Radio: "Al Qaeda is over-running Iraq - Bill Kristol blames Obama.

Making the bomb squad’s job so much easier.

What’s that you say, Iraq devolving into a civil war after we invaded them for no reason?

Color me shocked.

No, this isn’t a civil war. This is, I believe, more spill-over from the Syrian Civil War.

And it’ll be a good test of the Iraqi Security Forces, although anyone following this news story should know that we are sending weapons (including missiles and surveillance drones) to Iraq specifically because of this situation. Link.

Yeah, it looks like this.

They should get that Saddam guy back, he battered Al Qaeda when he was in charge.

Fwiw, I didn’t realise there was anything of Falujah left after the Marines flattened it.

Probably because you were too wrapped up in hyperbolic horseshit and propaganda. We didn’t flatten Fallujah.

From your cite. More than half destroyed may not meet your standard of “flattened”, but neither does it qualify as “hyperbolic horseshit and propaganda”.

As well, this piece of history:

To be clear: From his cite 1/4 of the homes destroyed. Half were “damaged”.

Only a quarter “destroyed”. Point still stands.

I wonder what definition of “damaged” might be…

Maybe our definitions of ‘flattened’ is different. I consider the term to mean something that’s flat. Using the term for something that’s not flat indeed qualifies as ‘hyperbolic horseshit and propaganda’. A quarter of the houses destroyed and half damaged doesn’t seem to qualify, unless one is indeed trying to be hyperbolic.

Yes it does…indeed, it was hyperbolic horseshit, and there was indeed plenty of Fallujah for AQ to continue to destroy long after the marines (who didn’t exactly ‘destroy’ all the buildings on their own) were gone. Thanks for admitting that 'luci…big of you. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s not bad going for a town in a country the US was liberating from oppression.

They had to flatten it to save it.

Haven’t been keeping up with current events I see. :stuck_out_tongue:

It looks like the side of a 1978 Ford van?

or maybe more girls are now going to school …

Less. Women were better off under Saddam than they have been in post-Saddam Iraq. They had more freedom, more rights, more respect, more education, more jobs, more everything.

It was a joke, DT.

… they don’t have more Falujah.