Am I being an intolerant A-hole?

Oh, shut the fuck up, BigTard. Your constant put-upon act is growing extremely wearisome.

If anybody is being studiously disagreeable here, it’s you, and I have little doubt you failed to realized you were engaged in a bout of projection as you typed out this splenic doggerel to begin with. BigTard: He always has some grievance or another. A charming personality trait, no?

I happen to think that Hello Again raised some good points that need to be borne in mind. The enthusiasm that some self-described fag hags have for gay men—but only if they remain sexless little fairies—as was the dynamic between the OP and her friend, is one that needs to be subjected to some truth bombs. And it’s a lot more insightful than any of your trademark tantrums. So do please, heed the meme, and shut the fuck up.