Pretty straightforward, right? I’ve been doing this for several years now (I’ve been getting my legs waxed even longer). I just hate to have any extraneous hair, so most of it gets waxed right off. Except I’ve never had a Brazilian. Weird, right?
But this isn’t about pubes. It’s about arm hair! How odd am I to remove it?
I don’t know. How much arm hair do you have? If you’re rocking the grizzly look, I could see doing that, but most women’s arm hair is short and very fine, right?
It’s not really hugely grizzled but it’s not exactly “fine.” Then again I do tend to exaggerate–in my mind, a few pieces of hair=OMG, I’m turning into Robin Williams!
It’s close to what I get on my legs. It’s not really all that long but it’s not exactly lady like fuzz.
I don’t think it’s odd. I recenrly bought a “Smooth Away” kit and decided to try it on my arms and it really worked well. The only problem is one Smooth Away pad is only good for one time. I didn’t find it worked as well as waxing on my legs.
I don’t normally do my arms because the hair is light and doesn’t show but if it was dark I would. I’ll never let them do a wax under my arms again. It bled and was painful.
My mother was very quiet and never talked to me about woman things. So, when I was 11 or so, I got it into my head somehow that women were supposed to shave their arms. So I shaved one, lost interest, and never did shave the other one.
My arm hair is extremely light and fine, but then I generally resemble one of those hairless yappy dogs. But if I had dark, coarse arm hair, you bet I’d wax it or something… I find it somewhat off-putting to see that on a woman’s forearms.
Now that I think about it, at one point my arm hair had grown back and it was before a wax, and I was mentioning to some friends that I waxed it. And their reaction was something like, “Why?” So I suppose to the rest of the world I have perfectly normal arm hair.
Though I think it might be a cultural thing. I think hair removal is a lot more normal in S. Asian cultures. I think.
Underarm waxing can be painful, but my personal really painful places are my brows and lower legs, especially the ankles. Yikes, blood! I’m lucky never to have bled. Only a little redness sometimes.
And as for darkness, yes, mine is dark, like the rest of me. My skin is also dark, too, so it’s not super noticeable. But still. I would notice it if it were there.
I know someone who used to do that. She didn’t have a huge amount of excess hair, but she had very fair skin and very black hair, and it did look kind of strange, so she removed it.
I don’t think it’s something anyone really NEEDS to do, but I’d only think it was truly bizarre if someone whose arm hair was like mine did it, as mine is fairly sparse and nearly invisible.
My daughter waxes a great deal of her body. Two of my grandparents were Sicilian immigrants, and her father is half Cajun, so genetically, she’s of half Mediterranean descent. She has a lot of thick, dark hair, on her scalp and in other places.
I dragged her to an electrologist last November, and now she’s getting a lot of hair zapped. She’ll probably continue to wax her legs and forearms, though, unless she comes into a great deal of money.
Ankles? I have a thick luxurious pelt on my legs and it stops just above my ankles. I’ve never heard of anyone waxing them. Unless that person was a Victorian era pervert.
I remove my arm hair with Nair. (I refuse to wax). Not all the time, and not constantly, but I do it a couple of times a year. I do it partly because my skin is fairly light brown and my hair is black, but also because it leaves such soft skin behind.
My leg hair stops pretty much where my socks start, but then, I wear low-rise socks. I know lots of swimmers who shave or wax their arms, though they aren’t doing it for cosmetic purposes, so if it makes you happy, tear away.
Anaamika, I find the opposite–that with Nair I’m a bit stubbly after, but with waxing I’m as soft as baby ass. I guess because of how waxing removes layers of dead skin.
Yep, my friend also Nairs her arms. I believe she does it pretty frequently, though - maybe 6ish times a year or so. I don’t, but I’m blonde and my hair’s pretty fine.
I have very fair skin and dark-ish arm hair that shows up lots and lots. I shave it, because I already have broad shoulders and large forearms. I need not look anymore mannish than I already do.
That’s me too. I’ve waxed it since my late teens, since Nair and bleaching don’t seem to work for more than a week for me.
needscoffee - I have it done every four (in the summer) to six (in the winter) weeks, on average. Any length past “stubble” works, really; I’d do it a couple of weeks sooner if it didn’t cost me $50 a visit and my waxer worked more than one day every two weeks.
The other factor I (sometimes) take into account is where in my cycle I am. Depending on the week, it can range anywhere from “quick and nearly painless” to “minor bleeding, and I look like a heroin addict from all the little spots and bruising”.
The hair on my arms is sparse but dark. To me it just looks weird having random hairs here and there so off they come (shaved - there’s not really enough of them to bother waxing).