Okay. I’ve been off the boards for a couple years – the siren call of free posting has harkened me back.
Now when I look at my posts, I see “Charter Member” but I don’t see Location or Post Count or any of that.
Is it because I let my pay-membership lag? Or do I only see those things on other posters posts because I should know my location and my own post count – which I don’t?
Just curious.
Whoops … it did say Charter Member, then I futzed around with some settings and now I’m back to Guest. Color me confused.
Welcome back~
As much as it helps to answer your questions, I would like to take a moment to give you whatever inner validation you need. Here, have a sweater!
Jerry is still tweaking the system settings so you may go through some variations for a while.
Since you’re not a subscribing member you are a Guest. If you wish to be a Member again you will need to resubscribe. I think that part of the system is now back up so it’s another option available to you.
Ultimately Guests will probably get post counts and etc back, but this is not the highest priority on Jerry’s list though I’m sure he’ll get to it as quickly as he can.
You’re able to read and post, correct? That’s as legit as it gets.
And hey … that’s just too legit to quit.
Sorry. That even made me groan.