Just curious why the number of posts show for a certain member and not other members? I could not find the answer in the FAQ section
Just curious why the number of posts show for a certain member and not other members? I could not find the answer in the FAQ section
I believe only Charter Members get post totals. Check under their name; it should say Charter Member (or anything other than Guest).
do you know the length of time you have to be a member to be a charter?
You can’t become a charter member. That’s a legacy title that was given to members back when the boards charged money to post. Any paid members get to have their post count show, though, not just charter members. And anybody can see your post count on your profile.
As far as regular users go, there are guests, members, and charter members. Post counts are not displayed for guests. They are displayed for members and charter members.
To become a member, all you have to do is pay a yearly fee. If you are interested in this, go to your user control panel (User CP on the upper left) then scroll down to paid subscriptions on the lower left, and follow the on-screen prompts.
Guest accounts are paid for by advertising. Members are not served advertising on the message board. Members also may create post in the marketplace forum for free. Guests do not have marketplace privileges. Members may also get a custom title that appears under their name, for an additional fee. The custom title may be purchased at the same time as the membership, or may be added at any time later.
Charter members are members who signed up when the board first moved to a pay to post model, many years ago, and have constantly retained their membership since then. In addition to the same benefits as members, charter members also receive their yearly subscription for half price.
Unlike some other boards, we do not have advancing titles based on post count or length of membership here. If you are a non-paying subscriber, then you are a guest, even if you have been here for 15 years and have made 50,000 posts.
Thanks now it makes sense
Locations work the same. And I’ll say it again, this is stupid stupid stupid. Post counts and locations should be displayed to all who pay. It’s a much better incentive that way. I couldn’t give a damn who sees my location info, but I find that useful to know occasionally. As a paying member here, I want to see that for everyone.
The only thing worse than this “incentive” is when someone thinks using their location field is good spot to make a “joke”. These are never funny. Dopers are almost never as clever as they think they are. And yes, I know, all of you claim you always include your location in the body of your post when it’s relevant. But, really, you don’t.
Yes, this is a pet peeve of mine.
I’ve never understood this policy either. Having your location shown shouldn’t be a privilege. I’m not sure why this is a member “perk.” It would make more sense to let members SEE the location , if the software allows it.
Or just have everyone’s location shown, assuming the user filled it in. I doubt there has every been a guest who even took this into account when deciding to sign up for membership.
Some members may not want their true location shown. I suppose they could leave it blank, but I’m (clearly) ok with a bad joke there.
Yes, it’s perk for paid members. Yet it’s those with the ginormous post counts want the reported count to disappear.
It looks good until maybe the 20,000 mark where people start wondering if perhaps they are wasting too much time here.
My location (Portlandia) was something I came up with long before the TV show came out. I keep it in hopes that someday I’ll be able to sue the bastards for stealing my idea.
Even as a lowly guest, I could not agree more, it makes no sense that members have to click to see guest info, but guests don’t have to click to seem member info. How does that benefit members at all? It doesn’t.
And I’ve never seen someone with a joke location include their real location in a post where they’re asking something where their real location would make a difference. I’m not saying we need to have every last detail about where people live, but could you at least make your joke then append a comma and the state where you live?
Although you can see them if you look at their profile. Left-click on their username in any post and select “view public profile” from the menu.
Did you use to live in Alaska? I keep thinking you’re in Alaska.
Yes, for my first six years on this board, I lived in Anchorage. Retired and moved to Oregon in 2009.
Ah, I see. Thanks.