Am I pregnant

Ugh, I just wrote a long post and the hamsters ate it!!!

Here we go again LOL.

I hate this waiting period when I think and hope and believe that I am pregnant, but all my symptoms might be wishful thinking. If I am, we conceived last Friday night, I was ovulating and the timing was perfect. I am having a lot of symptoms, but the biggest signal for me is food aversions. I have some icecream in my freezer that makes me want to throw up when I see it (or even think about it). Also cigarettes…I haven’t smoked in 4 days. Just can’t stand the smell or even the sight of them at the moment. The trick this time is to not pick them back up again! I felt exactly the same last time I was pregnant.

I took a pregnancy test today which was negative (but that’s to be expected…it’s too soon). I will take another one on Monday or so and will keep you updated.

Well, hey, good thoughts and best wishes !!!

Well, I am not bold enough to google “pregnancy tests” here at work - but I thought they could tell you within 48 hours whether you were pregnant or not?

Is that not the case?

It seems weird to me that someone would be trying to conceive before they actually quit smoking but maybe I am old-fashioned. Wait, I guess that would be new-fashioned, my mom’s doctor told her smoking was fine while she was pregnant with me, “as long as she had no more than 9 per day.”

Pregnancy tests can detect HCG a few days before your period is due, not within a couple days of actually conceiving. It does take a few days for the zygote (?) to implant in the uterus.

My last pregnancy, I started having symptoms within 7-10 days of conception. Extremely tender breasts and aversion to smells and cigarettes were the first signs for me. It was weird to know I was pregnant when my period wasn’t due for 2 more weeks, but I definitely knew that I was. No testing needed.

You should think about starting folic acid daily if you don’t already. And good luck!

I know, I know, I have been trying to quit for ages, but it’s been difficult. I haven’t smoked for 5 days and even if I’m not pregnant this month, I will do my best to not smoke again.

Pregnancy tests come in various strengths too…some are more sensitive than others. The placenta starts giving out HCG as soon as it implants. At first the amounts are minute, but they double approximately every 2 days and within a few days of implantation are detectable by the more sensitive tests.

I’m starting to think today that I might not be pregnant. I’ve been very moody, but I really think this has all been wishful thinking on my part. I just wish I knew for sure.

Stop by the dollar store and stock up on pregnancy tests. It’s the same ones they use in doctors’ offices. It’s a lot cheaper than buying two for $15. I’m sending you baby dust!


Sending lucky thoughts your way! :slight_smile:

I took the ClearBlue test when I was very early pregnant (no other test detected it).

I would recommend that one on the first morning pee. Mine was faint positive.

good Luck

Just so you know, there are no false positives, only false negatives due to too low a level of HCG, I took 3 pregnancy tests with “faint” positives before I called my father-in-law, the obstetrician, he said stop wasting my money, I’ll need it for the baby. Boy was it good advice, but she’s a tad more expensive than pregnancy tests.

Baby dust :slight_smile: I first tested positive about 3 weeks into my pregnancy.

Never had a food/smell aversion. Corn dogs were yummy though.

A few things…

Don’t let people jump all over you about smoking while getting pregnant. If you can quit when you find out, then that’s just great. I loved getting the “lecture” from a friend of mine who was feeding her face with junk food and sugar drinks that my cutting back on ciggies wasn’t “good enough”. I smoked my last ciggie the day before I took the early test. Haven’t had one since…and I LOVED cigarettes. I dream about them. Just last night, I dreamed I bought a pack while waiting to get my car washed. It’s tough, but doable.

I recommend, especially if this month doesn’t work out for you, I bought 30 tests in bulk and wasn’t afraid to use 2 a day until the FAINTEST little pink line showed up…which was 12 days after ovulation…I had a ClearBlueEasy which did NOT show a positive result. YMMV.

Anyway, good luck to you and hang in there. I know I was on pins-and-needles waiting, so I know where you’re coming from. Just take some vitamins and practice peeing on sticks. :wink:

My sister had lots of negative test results when she decided to have a baby, including tests her physician did. When she got her first positive, then went in for her first ultrasound, the Dr asked “Umm, have you finished painting the nursery?” The baby was more then 5 months old! She had low hormone levels, NO symptoms, and the baby was causing no bulges on her 110 lb frame. After that, everything was smooth sailing, except that she never looked very pregnant. So stealth babies do exist.

I’m assuming that she never had a regular period because 5 months of missing your period is a pretty long time. Unless she was spotting the entire 5 months? Now I’m scared…

Update: Now I’m confused. I went and bought a good few hpts and have been testing every day since Thursday. I tested yesterday afternoon and got a very very faint positive. Usually any line, no matter how faint, is positive. So I decide to try again this morning with first morning urine (same brand hpt), thinking obviously the line would be stronger, right? Well nothing…a BFN. Okay, so I’m only about 9 dpo, but still…with my symptoms and a positive hpt, I was kinda thinking that I definitely am pg. Should I just wait and test again tomorrow or Tuesday? I only have one test left and I don’t think it’s as sensitive as the other brand that I was using. :confused:

Thanks for everyone’s good wishes. As for the cigarettes, it’s weird…I can’t stand the smell of them at the moment, yet I was still craving one last night. It was more of a mental craving than anything else, but the thought of how it would actually taste made me want to gag.

I thought I felt the egg implant on Friday, but that again could have been my imagination (it was a strange, slightly intense, burrowing sort of pain in the vicinity of my uterus). Again, if I’m not actually pregnant then all this is wishful thinking and I’m going insane :D.

biddee- please, please sit down, put your feet up and watch your favourite movie, preferably with a nice cup of camomile tea or something.

The best thing you can do it to try and take your mind off everything and relax, tense muscles and high levels of stress hormones aren’t going to be good for you or a baby.

Wait three days, if you’re still not sure what’s going on, go to your doc for a blood test. The longer you wait, the more likely a test will be accurate.

LOL, you’re absolutely right…actually I’m not stressing as much as I sound like I’m stressing from my posts :). I will wait but I’m not very good at it! I’m very much one of the NOW generation LOL. I keep asking myself, what’s the rush, if you’re pregnant now, you’ll be just as pregnant in 3/5/200 days so I really don’t know why I’m freaking myself out. I think it’s just that I want to prove that I’m right about my own body KWIM. Anyways, I’m gonna go put my feet up and watch Bad Boy Bubby which arrived on DVD yesterday.

There are some test which will show a faint “evaporation line” even when the woman isn’t pregnant, though. I have friends who have gotten some false positives that way. Generally speaking, though, I agree with you that false negatives are more the norm.

Here is a link to the most/least sensitive HPTs, as well as some answers to commonly asked questions. I particularly like this snippet of info, from the linked site:

Anyhow, I hope this turns out the way you want it to! I’m all set in the kiddo dept, but I’m a real sucker for pregnancy and birth stories!

According to this site:

(bolding mine)And this says

If you are having difficulties conceiving, maybe it would help to give it up.

I’m not sure where you got the idea that I was having trouble conceiving…in fact this is the second time we’ve tried to conceive. The first time we got pg the night we tried, this time, I’m pretty sure I’m pregnant too after one night of unprotected sex the night before I ovulated. In fact we had been talking about having another child for a while and it was only that same night that we decided to start trying to conceive.

I appreciate that smoking is not good and as you might have noticed, I have stopped smoking since last week. A little support for my efforts might be nice :).

My apologies. I inferred too much. The fact that you seem quite anxious about it made me think you might have been trying for a while.