Am I Scary?

So, in chat this evening (yes, sometimes I am given dispensation to do chat) someone told me that they saw me online and almost IM’d me, but then didn’t. There seemed to be an unsaid feeling that I might be a little scary, or somehow unapproachable. Seeing as how I get evry few IMs anyway, I have to wonder … am I scary?

I’m not afraid of you! C’mon, put up, I’ll kick your ass all over this message board, ya dufus!

Right now, I’m calling you out!

::Milo enters the thread, on a dare from his friends, who taunted him as a chicken for not entering earlier. Runs out, terrified.::

Look at your OP. See where it says Eutychus55? Look right below that. It says moderator. 'Nuff said.

Once I get home, I am getting right on AIM and adding you to my list!
Am I playing with fire, trying to chat with a Moderator?
Do I care?
No, no I say!
Why not?
My middle name is Michael. Which in some archaic language means DANGER!!! Those exclamation points are hard to translate.

Be prepared for inane messages from some goof in California, Euty! I am gonna show the world I am just like Frank Buck. ::Cue Dramatic Music:: Thats right, I am gonna chat him back alive. ::Cut Dramatic Music. Start Pat Theme Song::


Scylla stands alone in the middle of the thread his fists raised. Their is a steely look in his eye as he awaits his nemesis, the evil and dreaded Eutychus55.

“C’mon on out Eutychus, or should I say “Ickiest?” I’m ready for ya!”

*Still all is silent. Suddenly Scylla hears a noise and spins out, fists at the ready!

…it’s just a cat*

As he stands alone, minute after minute in the dark thread, all by himself, slowly Scylla’s eyes grow wider. The silent challenge of his nemesis echoes within his imagination.*

There’s something oddly intimidating about moderators.

No, not “oddly.” “Really.”

All I know is that I swoon whenever one responds to me. But then again, I’m “moderator whipped,” as aha so eloquently puts it. :smiley:

Well, you scare me, but in a good way. Y’know that shiver-up-your-spine, biting the back of your knuckle, who WAS that masked man sort of way.

Think about one of those bodacious chicks from a 1950s horror film poster – eyes wide, skirts up to the thigh, shivering as she awaits her fate. That kind of scared. :wink:

Nah you aren’t scary.

Uh you might want to know this is from a person who tells the bosses EXACTLY what she thinks and still gets promotions and raises. So either I am very brave or very stupid.

But I like you, you know as a friend, if you will let me be. I know I am a newbie, but even newbies needs friends.

When you say someone saw you on the web, do you mean that they saw a picture of you?

[complete honesty] I think I remember seeing your picture on the Straight Dope people pages. If I remember correctly, you are a bit unconventional / almost gothic (in a D and D way NOT in a Marilyn Manson way) looking. some may find that to be a scary look.

I don’t find you scary, but I can see how someone could.[/complete honesty]

:: rolls up her sleeves ::
I got your back Scylla!

No Euty, you’re just as weird as the rest of us.

Well, Euty. I tried to chat with you on AIM once, but it said you weren’t available or something… that’s kinda… eeeeeeerie… you were there but “not there”… :wink:

I just reread my post and feel that I must qualify it before I get stoned by angry on lookers.

Understand that I am trying to honestly and objectivly answer the OP. I do not believe the OP to be scary in any way. I have found the OP’s posts and moderating style to be witty, kind, creative, etc.

I also do not condone, endorse, bend, spindle or mutilate in any way the practice of judging someone as “scary” based on a picture on the internet.

Now back to your regularly scheduled Happy Fun Thread.**

**[sub]Warning. Do not taunt Happy Fun Thread.[/sub]

FWIW, I don’t think you’re scary. Of course, we’ve not interacted, so I’m judging as an observer.

I’ve been told that I’m intimidating, but I don’t see it. How can such adorableness be intimidating?? :smiley:

You wanted to organize a satire in the form of an operetta.

Scared the bejeezus out of me.

[sub]It’s okay, though, I didn’t need that bejeezus anyway.[/sub]

Strange… I’m always harassing you. Distracting you from your work, and pleasure times. I figured YOU would be afraid of ME by now.

Scared of you…? ::pfft:: Huh, not hardy! Shoot, I’d IM, chat, email, snail-mail and call you on the phone. At the same time. Wadaya think of that? Huh? Huh?

[sub]What? Who…? Euty!? Shit![/sub] Uh, never mind.



Well, to further drive the scary factor from Euty’s good name… I must say that I have chatted with Euty and found him to be good, kind and honest. He makes me sad to be leaving Rhode Island.

Well, I just looked at your website to find out. No, you don’t seem scary SO FAR but then, if I follow the “Spurious Links”, I may have to revise that opinion.:slight_smile:

(Oh, good, the “Sailor’s Hornpipe” has now stopped.)

Here, for no particularly good reason, is a song with your name in it.

I’m off to check what was the thing about the gerbil.

You wouldn’t be nearly as scary if you’d put on some damn pants, man.

A quick move on your part and someone could be killed!