Am I the only one who doesn't like cold pizza?

Good pizza is good cold. Bad pizza isn’t good even directly from the oven.

I don’t mind nuked pizza, but I won’t eat it cold.

Cold pizza is one of those things my mind tells me I shouldn’t like but I do anyway.

Any kind of cold meat grosses me out, so that’s a “no” on the cold pizza.

Bingo. Pizza with good quality dough, without greasy ingredients (no pepperoni/sausage), can be great right out of the fridge. Tomatoes and feta cheese, for example.

Your typical cardboard-hubcab delivery chain pizza is going to taste like shit cold, because it is shit, and now you’re not focused on not burning your mouth with molten cheese.

Cold pizza right out of the fridge is one of my favorite breakfasts. A close second is cold leftover chinese food.

Thumbs up for cold (or room temp, really) pizza. It’s not my preferred way of eating it, but I like it better than microwaved pizza, and I can’t be arsed to put it in an oven or on a pan.

Now, not all pizzas work out well the next day. Those Neapolitan pies that are made in 800+ degree ovens, with a crust that gets slightly soft in the middle? Inedible at room temp, divine hot out of the oven. A Chicago-style thin cracker crust? Best eaten hot, but quite tasty the next day. I’d even go so far to say that there are some pizzas I’ve had that were better cold than hot out of the oven. Don’t ask me how that works, I don’t know. A thicker pan pizza? I generally need to eat that warm.

See, I don’t quite agree. The very best pizzas I’ve ever had (all based on the Neapolitan style) have been awful cold. They are so bad that the standard ordering protocol when we go out for this style is to order one pizza at a time, (one person can easily eat one pizza of this type) because even 10-15 minutes sitting around on the table, it just starts to exponentially lose its tastiness.

Cold pizza is a treat. Reheating never improves it. If you want your pizza hot, finish it while it’s fresh. Cold pizza is best cold, from the fridge, so that the cheese is nicely solid.

I like cold pizza, but my husband thinks cold pizza is the vilest thing ever. On the rare occasions we order pizza, I’ll save my last peice for breakfast.

I voted “Sometimes” but that’s not really accurate. While I have been known to eat cold pizza, it’s something that’s generally done out of necessity and/or desperation. It tastes fine, but whether I like it or not the answer is probably not.

My mom used to make pizza on Friday nights. Not real Italian style, she made the crust out of Bisquick and used some kind of pizza kit from Kraft, but still good nonetheless, because it came from the oven. On Saturday mornings, my brother and I would sit in front of the TV and watch cartoons and were allowed to eat cold leftover pizza. We didn’t have a microwave back then, it was the 60s. So I grew up eating cold pizza, and it still takes me back to those days.

So if you don’t drink, there’s no point in eating it cold?

We always get enough for breakfast leftovers, which are always left on the counter overnight. I’ve done this about twice a month for 20+ years with no problems. I generally do microwave it about twenty seconds just to take the chill off if the room was cold.

I voted Sometimes because I love pizza so much that I will eat it cold, but I do prefer to heat it for 10 minutes in a 350 degree oven. Then I almost prefer it to freshly delivered pizza because it gets crispy. When I order pizza I preheat the oven while awaiting the delivery and toss a few slices in at a time to keep it warm and crisp it up a bit before eating.

Cold and/or room temp pizza is better than hot pizza. I often buy pizza and stick it in the refrigerator before opening the box. I never reheat pizza.

I’m in the ‘good pizza is good cold’ camp. This applies to any food, really: if it’s only good when it’s hot, and tastes like nasty crap when it’s cold, that’s because it relies on grease and fat for its flavor. Decent ingredients keep far better at any temperature.

That said, I’ll eat pizza when it’s fresh and just barely mouth-scalding, or cold out of the fridge. Lukewarm on the counter or reheated in the microwave doesn’t work for me.

Well, obviously the OP isn’t the only person who doesn’t like cold pizza! But I like it. Well, room temp, that is. And yes, I’m one of those daredevils who will leave it out on the counter overnight! Occasionally, I even back out of my driveway before putting my seatbelt on! :wink:

Anyway, someone upthread commented that good pizza is good, even cold, and bad pizza is bad no matter what. I’m going to disagree. I think, for me, at least, there’s an arc here. We used to live near a place that made brick-oven pizzas (not to mention micro-brew beer, but that’s a different thread. . .) and on Tuesday nights (buy one, get one free), we’d often go to this place and have The Marylander pizza: a super-thin crust, crab-infused white sauce (no red sauce), five cheeses, tiny shrimp, and fresh diced tomato. Heaven. No good cold. Must eat it all immediately!

Mediocre pizza (extra cheese, pepperoni, bacon, ham, pineapple, onion) is good (relatively speaking) hot and fresh, and even better the next morning. Really bad pizza, though, is not worth opening your mouth for, no matter what temp it’s at.

The one time I liked cold pizza, I was so drunk that I had alcohol poisoning. Let that sink in.

No point in living, really.