Am I the Youngest Poster?

Just read about this on the ATMB forum. Supposedly the cutoff age is 13, and considering that’s how old I am, that makes me the youngest legal poster.
If there are any lurkers younger than me out there, I don’t blame them. I lied on the Witchblade boards because I was twelve and I heard the cutoff was thirteen.

You’re at least among the youngest.
Welcome, but please… Cut the length of your sig.


Speaking of patching up your sig, it’s “René Descartes.”

And purely as a suggestion for your future posts…

  1. Use smilies sparingly. Yes they are there for us to use, but too many get annoying.

  2. re: your sig…don’t ever feel the need to explain your jokes. Someone somewhere will get it, and if they don’t they’ll ask. But you’ll find the Dopers are a pretty sharp bunch.

Welcome to the SDMB!

[sub]Oh my God, i just realized I’m more than twice his age…Oh my God! I just now realized I’m nearly thrice his age![/sub]

Is there a minimum age here? I mean, not to discriminate IThinkNot, but, some of these threads are probably not meant for some younger people. Anyway, it’s a great age to become a doper. He’ll be wise when he’s old.

I’m not even that old…according to my old lady I’m almost 6 years old. Then again I’ve been called dog so many times I forget my actual age…:smiley:

is that right? 7yrs for 1…hmm-woof

Welcome to the board - to be honest you’ll probably find that it mental age that counts round here.

Have fun!

I think it’s a cool sig!

But yes, don’t explain jokes…

I’ve been telling that joke for years and years. Only about a third of the people get it. (Unless they’re just humouring me.)

But still… No need to explain jokes.

Hey, if IThinkNot gets to keep his long sig, can I put my long sig back up?

“I bring you a message. Exactly six miles north of Skagg Mountain in the Valley of Pain, there lives an evil devil-monster. His name is: Bingo gas station motel cheeseburger with a side of aircraft noise and you’ll be Gary, Indiana. And he loves to hurt people. The last time I saw Bingo gas station motel cheeseburger with a side of aircraft noise and you’ll be Gary, Indiana, he told me what he wants to do. He wants to come down here and kill each and every one of you.”

(Lynn made me get rid of it. :frowning: )

Second or third or whatever on the sig. The smart’ns’ll get it, the other folks will think you’re silly or summat like that, an’ then there’s those of us who don’t usually read a sig more’n a few times before we get tired of seeing the same damn thing over and over again.

Welcome, and close the damn door behind you. It’s COLD OUTSIDE!:slight_smile:

Just thought I’d mention I use Cogito Ergo Sum as my sig for my work e-mails. Nothing new there, but cool.

Welcome. Enjoy.

Okay, I think I get it now. Cut back on the smileys, and the sig. I see. (said the blind man.)

Johnny L.A.-----I am a girl.

mmmmm, fresh blood…

Welcome little girl, want to see my puppies?


You were born in 1989?

[Eve goes off to quietly sob to herself and have a nice, calming cup of tea]

Pour us a cup, Eve.

Heck, I’m almost four times her age.

I have one daughter older than you. IThinkNot, and one daughter who’s only off by a couple of years. Welcome to the boards, there’s a lot to be learned here, and I’ve got all kinds of respect for kids who want to learn!

You were 3 when Nirvana - Nevermind came out. I feel the beginnings of old age creeping up on me. Disco had just died when I was 3.

Hell, McKinley had just died when I was 3!