Am I wrong to expect a refund for this?

Two weeks ago, tax refund in hand, I went into a local furniture store and gleefully ordered myself some new stuff for my living room—a recliner, and an armchair and matching ottoman. After going around with the guy on when it could be delivered—and at one point almost walking out because he was saying three or four weeks—we finally agreed that it would get to me tomorrow. Great, says I, and request the day off work so I can be there to accept the delivery.
I’ve been really excited about this, so of course I just got a call saying the warehouse was out of the ottoman and it wouldn’t be available until next week. :mad: The guy offered to set up a new delivery for just the ottoman or even the whole batch next week, but I’ll be at work next week. I’ll be at home to take the delivery tomorrow—just like we agreed when I handed them nearly $1000 for this purchase. I could go pick up the ottoman next week in my car, but this would be a process that involves getting a babysitter and pulling car seats out and driving all the way across town at a time when I want to be at home sitting in my chair with my feet on my ottoman, dammit!

Now, the store charges a flat $75 delivery fee for all deliveries, whether it’s a single item or an entire truck full. So, my question is, am I wrong to think that I should at least get a partial refund on my delivery charge because of this? If I hadn’t bought the ottoman, I’d still have paid the same delivery fee. But at the same time, I feel like I DID buy it, and did so only because the guy promised it by this date, and that picking it up (or accepting the floor model, as they’ve offered) is going to be quite an inconvience and not at all what I’d agreed to.

Any opinions?

Okay–I’ve previewed a dozen times now and don’t know WTF that #s doing there after “tomorrow” or how to get rid of it. I give up, live with it.

Emotionally I say you should get $25 back since they were supposed to deliver three items and they delivered two. OTOH, they did attempt to set up a new delivery with you, which you declined which leads me to think no refund.

Lucky for you I’m emotional. Demand a $25 refund. Tell them if they don’t give it to you you’re returning the furniture.

I think they should refund the $25 delivery charge on the ottoman. First of all, the guy “promised” you that all three pieces would be delivered the next day right? If all three are not delivered, he screwed up and should be held responsible. If they won’t refund the second delivery charge, I’d take my business elsewhere, and let them know that I wasn’t happy with their P&R.

Okay, the guy just called to confirm delivery and we agreed that they’d bring me the display one so I could check it out. If I’m happy with how it looks (and he claims it’s mint, so we’ll see) I keep it. If not, I send it back and they’ll deliver a new one next week right to my job–I’ll have to cram it in the front seat a bit but it will save me the trip out and the babysitting hassle. That seems fair to me and I’m satisfied. Thanks for the input.